Lori McCaleb
Program management, Financial Administration Phone: 1.828.271.4995 Email: lmccale@ncsu.edu
Lori McCaleb joined NCICS as the Director of Finance and Administration in April 2023. She oversees all financial activities for the Institute, directs and leads compliance activities, and supports the Director in broader Institute leadership tasks and responsibilities. Additionally, Ms. McCaleb manages research administration for the Institute, including pre- and post-award activities.
Ms. McCaleb’s introduction to program management and financial administration began in 2007 while Program Coordinator for the construction of the R/V Sikuliaq, a nine-year position with the University of Alaska Fairbanks. This was followed by eight years with Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory as Division Business Manager for Marine/Large Programs and Program Manager for the US Science Support Program.
Ms. McCaleb received a Bachelor of Science in Occupational Education/Paralegal from Wayland Baptist University and a Master’s Degree in Administration of Justice from the University of Alaska Fairbanks.