Angel Li
National Climate Assessment online presence
Phone: +1 828.271.4688
Email: angel@ncics.org
Orcid: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0857-0919
Angel Li, Senior Web Developer for the Assessments Technical Support Unit, joined NCICS in December 2012. He is responsible for leading the design, programming, development, and implementation of Drupal and Wordpress CMS websites and applications, ensuring websites are compliant with recognized standards and user-friendly to diverse audiences, and utilizing industry best practices. Mr. Li also develops and manages the NCICS website.
Mr. Li holds a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from the University of Miami. He has more than thirty years of experience developing computer and software systems in a scientific research environment. He also has an extensive portfolio in developing enterprise web-based solutions and was a major contributor to the architectural prototype, design, and functionality for the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School web presence. During his tenure at the University of Miami as Senior Systems Analyst, Mr.Li constantly researched the latest innovations and cutting-edge technologies and concepts to better develop web pages to promote ease of use by diverse audiences in an academic and scientific environment.
Kunkel, K. E., D. R. Easterling, T. R. Karl, J. C. Biard, S. M. Champion, B. E. Gleason, K. M. Johnson, A. Li, S. Stegall, L. E. Stevens, S. E. Stevens, M. Squires, L. Sun, and X. Yin, 2020: Incorporation of the Effects of Future Anthropogenically Forced Climate Change in Intensity-Duration-Frequency Design Values: Final Report. North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies, North Carolina State University, 104 pp. https://precipitationfrequency.ncics.org/pdfs/RC_2517_Final_Report_version2_Sep_04_2020_clean.pdf