Erika Wagner
Human Resources and Administrative Activities Phone: 828-271-4912 Email: elwagner@ncsu.edu
Ms. Wagner joined NCICS as Program Specialist in September 2017. She assists the Institute Director and the Director of Finance and Administration in an administrative capacity with a variety of activities, including institute Human Resources administration, outreach and report coordination, meeting logistics, and other operational and programmatic support.
Coming from Atlanta, GA, she most recently spent 3 years as Administrative Assistant in support of an associate dean in Emory University’s College of Arts and Sciences. Prior to that, Ms. Wagner spent 5 years supporting several heads of the Genetics Department at the University of Georgia and 14 years teaching elementary-aged students in Atlanta-area schools.
Ms. Wagner received a Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education from Emory University and a Master of Library and Information Science from Valdosta State University.