Jessicca Allen
Digital Graphics, National Climate Assessment
Phone: +1 828.271.4919
Email: jgriffin@ncics.org
Orcid: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6717-9859
Jessicca Allen (formerly Griffin) joined NCICS as an Assessment Graphic Designer in September 2012. Building on more than twelve years of management experience, including digital photography and website and graphic design, Ms. Allen works as part of a cross-functional team at NCICS and NCEI. She uses a wide range of media to design and develop visual products for a global audience using color, images, typography, still photography, maps, illustrations, basic animation/visualization, video and digital page assembly/layout to support the current National Climate Assessment activities.
In addition to her role with the National Climate Assessment, Ms. Allen works with the NCEI Communications and Outreach Branch’s Visual Communications team to provide graphic and production support for reports such as the annual Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society State of the Climate, as well as graphic support for conferences and social media. She also regularly participates in learning opportunities to enhance her knowledge of Adobe design software and Section 508 Compliance as it relates to PDF production. Ms. Allen also supports NCICS communications activities.
Ms. Allen is a graduate, cum laude, from Asheville Buncombe Technical Community College, with an Applied Science degree in Digital Media Technology. Prior to NCICS, she served as Lead Photographer and Trainer at SharpShooter Imaging, Biltmore Estate, where she managed product design, interactive graphics portfolios, and the integration of innovative technologies to promote and enhance brand identity.
Griffin, J., 2020: Using Teamwork as a Tool for Scientific Communication. 2020 NOAA Environmental Data Management Workshop, Virtual, August 20, 2020.
Griffin, J., J. Runkle, and S. Stevens, 2016: Weather and climate presentations. Brevard High School Science Club, Brevard, NC, June 12, 2016.