Pooja Hari Ambrish
Climate Data Analyst Phone: Email: phariam@ncsu.edu
Pooja joined NCICS in 2023 as a Climate Data Analyst. She is currently working on developing a visualization tool that will aide in better understanding the intercomparison between distinct Sea Surface Temperature data products. Prior to joining NCICS, she worked for consulting companies in data modelling and Machine Learning and helped build data-driven tools and frameworks to Healthcare, Insurance, and Mortgage clients. During this process she learned additional techniques for data modeling and analysis, and gained practical skills and industry practices in Predictive Analysis and Modeling.
She earned her bachelor’s degree from Anna University in India followed by a master’s degree in electrical engineering from Arizona State University, where she specialized in Statistics and Machine Learning for Power Systems. All of the above led to an enhanced interest in Data Science, paving the way for a master’s in data science at Texas A&M University. At NCICS she is learning to navigate the world of Atmospheric Sciences and identify her specialization areas. When she is not crunching data, she likes to travel, draw, paint, and listen to music.