QUANTUM - Powerful WordPress Business Theme

By Pulsar Media - www.pulsarmedia.ca

Welcome To QUANTUM Theme Documentation.

Firstly, a huge thanks for purchasing this theme, your support is truly appreciated!

This document covers the installation and use of this theme and often reveals answers to common problems and issues - read this document thoroughly if you are experiencing any difficulties. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this document, feel free to email our support team at themesupport@pulsarmedia.ca.

Theme Features

  • HTML5 validated & CSS3 accelerated
  • Fully Responsive Design built on Bootstrap 3
  • Woocommerce ready
  • Private members area
  • Private posts
  • Custom post types for Staff, Workshops and Careers
  • Theme Customizer support
  • Redux Options Framework
  • 30+ Custom shortcodes built right into the TinyMCE editor
  • Bundled security files for private file browsing
  • Bundled Member Roles plug-in
  • Bundled setup files (Redux options and WordPress content)

QUANTUM - Powerful WordPress Business Theme

By Pulsar Media - www.pulsarmedia.ca

Installation & Security

After you unzip the Quantum package you will find several folders labelled as follows:

  • setup_files
    • quantum.wordpress.2014-08-08.xml
    • redux_options_quantum_options_backup_08-08-2014.json
  • security_addons
    • dl-file.php
    • htaccess-scripts.txt
    • members-area.zip
  • Licensing
  • Documentation

Theme Installation Procedure

NOTE: before installing the QUANTUM theme we recommend you install the Woocommerce plug-in and Members Area plug-in first and set your permalinks to Post Name.

To install the QUANTUM theme follow these steps

  • Step 1: Select "Appearance" from the WordPress administration menu
  • Step 2: Select "Add New" (located near the top of the page)
  • Step 3: Select "Upload Theme" (located near the top of the page)
  • Step 4: Select "Browse" and locate the quantum-theme.zip file and proceed with installation
  • Step 5: Activate the theme and you're all done.

Overview of Setup files

  • quantum.wordpress.2014-08-08.xml
    • This file contains all of the media attachments, news posts, page data and custom post type data from the QUANTUM demo site. We recommend you install the following plug-ins first before importing this file:
      • Woocommerce
      • Member roles plug-in (see below for more information pertaining to this plug-in)
    • After the theme has been installed follow these steps to import the WordPress data:
      • Step 1: Locate the "Tools" section under the WordPress administration menu
      • Step 2: Select "Import" under the "Tools" sub-menu
      • Step 3: Select "WordPress" from the import list selection
      • Step 4: Press the "Browse" button and locate the quantum.wordpress.2014-08-08.xml bundled with the Quantum theme
      • Final Step: Press the "Upload file and import" button and let the import procedure run its course. You may be asked to assign news posts to a an existing member in your database during the import and you will also be asked to "download and import media attachments" as well (press the checkbox and continue with the import until it has completed).
  • redux_options_quantum_options_backup_08-08-2014.json
    • This file contains the Redux configuration options from the QUANTUM demo site. After the theme is installed follow these steps to import the Redux options:
      • Step 1: Select Quantum Options from the WordPress administration menu.
      • Step 2: Select the Import/Export tab.
      • Step 3: Under "Import Options" press the "Import from file" button - selecting this will expand a textarea field.
      • Step 4: Locate the redux_options_quantum_options_backup_08-08-2014.json file in the setup_files folder and open it with any text editor and proceed to copy the entire contents of this file (Select all then copy).
      • Step 5: Paste the data into the textarea field we accessed in Step 3
      • Final Step: Press "Save Changes" and you're all done.

Overview of Security files

  • dl-file.php
    • This file is used to protect the following file types from being accessed by users who are not registered:
      • .pdf, .psd, .ai, .eps, .ps, .doc, .rtf, .xls, .ppt, .odt, .ods
    • Additional file types can be filtered by editing the dl-file.php
    • This file needs to be uploaded to the root directory of your website (usually public_html or www folder). Keep in mind that using this file may cause a slight slowdown with page load times - this is due to the fact that each file being served on your page has to be examined first by the script in order to determine which files should be public and private.
  • htaccess-addon-scripts.txt
    • This file contains code blocks which will add extra layers of security and browser caching to your website. It also contains a rewrite script which is required for the dl-file.php file to work correctly. Each code block in this file contains a description of what each code block does so it is self-explanatory. NOTE: The code in this file should be added to your existing .htaccess file. DO NOT copy and replace the contents of your existing .htaccess file with the code blocks in htaccess-addon-scripts.txt - doing so will result in your permalinks breaking. If you are not comfortable with updating your .htaccess then please email our support team for assistance.
  • members-area.zip (previously member-roles.zip)
    • This is a custom plug-in developed by Pulsar Media and is required to be installed in order for the Members area to function correctly.
    • This plug-in adds three new member roles to the WordPress database and each role does not allow access to the WordPress administration area. The three member roles created are:
      • Standard Member
        • This member type can access private posts, order history and edit their account information.
      • Board Member
        • This member type can access private posts, order history, workshop files and edit their account information.
      • Executive Member
        • This member type can access private posts, order history, workshop files and edit their account information.

The Members Area now has a settings page in the WordPress adminstration area which allows you to set the default Registration role. See screenshot below for reference:

QUANTUM - Powerful WordPress Business Theme

By Pulsar Media - www.pulsarmedia.ca

Homepage Setup

  • Step 1:
    • Select Pages -> Add New from the WordPress adminstration menu
  • Step 2:
    • Enter a title such as "Homepage" and press "Publish"
  • Step 3:
    • Select Settings -> Reading from the WordPress adminstration menu (see visual reference below)
  • Step 4:
    • Under "Front page displays" select the radio button labelled "A static page (select below)" and select the page we created called "Homepage" from the select list menu.
  • Step 5:
    • Press "Save Changes" and your custom Homepage will now be assigned to the index page of your website.
Visual Reference:

Now that your "Homepage" file has been assigned to the index page you can go back and edit your page and paste the following code into visual editor:

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec et placerat dui.




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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec et placerat dui.




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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec et placerat dui.






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[statBox1 stat_image="http://wp.pulsarmedia.ca/quantum/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/man-icon.png" stat_percentage="55%" text_color="white" class="wow fadeInUp"]reduction in development costs[/statBox1]


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[statBox1 stat_image="http://wp.pulsarmedia.ca/quantum/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/man-icon.png" stat_percentage="85%" text_color="white" class="wow fadeInUp"]increase in development time[/statBox1]




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Ready to take your company to the next level?

QUANTUM offers workshops and courses to help to get your development up to speed with the latest technologies. In an environment where technology is constantly evolving its important that your staff stay current and up to date. Our courses are proven to help your employees get up to speed with the latest tech resulting in cost savings and improved development times.

Our workshops run between 1 to 2 hours and are absolutey free to registered QUANTUM members.

[standardButton link="#upcoming-workshops" margin_top="20" margin_bottom="20" target="_self" icon="fa fa-angle-down" transparency="off" animated="off" class="pm-page-scroll"]upcoming workshops[/standardButton]




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[bootstrapColumn col_large="12" col_medium="12" col_small="12" col_extrasmall="12" class="pm-medium-font pm-medium-link"]

Register today and gain full access to our workshops




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[workshopPost post_id="247" class="wow fadeInUp" /]


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[workshopPost post_id="245" class="wow fadeInUp" /]


[standardButton link="/quantum/workshops" margin_top="20" margin_bottom="20" target="_self" icon="" transparency="off" animated="off" class=""]View all workshops[/standardButton]



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[bootstrapColumn col_large="12" col_medium="12" col_small="12" col_extrasmall="12"]

Sign up for our free weekly software design courses,
we’ll send them right to your inbox.

[newsletterSignup mailchimp_url="http://pulsarmedia.us4.list-manage2.com/subscribe?u=2aa9334fc1bc18c8d05500b41&id=dbcb577c4d" name_placeholder="Your Name" email_placeholder="Email Address" class="" /]




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[bootstrapColumn col_large="12" col_medium="12" col_small="12" col_extrasmall="12" class="pm-medium-font pm-center"]
Who you'll be learning from

These are just a few of the stellar software designers and developers that teach our software design courses.




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[ctaBox2 divider_color="#dbc164" class=""]OUR PROVEN TRACK RECORD SPEAKS FOR ITSELF[/ctaBox2]




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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit vestibulum at interdum.



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit vestibulum at interdum.





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Companies that partner with us for training

[clientCarousel target="_blank" /]

[nestedColumn col_large="12" col_medium="12" col_small="12" col_extrasmall="12" class="pm-center pm-medium-font pm-medium-link"]

Want your entire team to get training?
We'll create a custom program or workshop just for your company.
Register today and get started with QUANTUM.





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[bootstrapColumn col_large="12" col_medium="12" col_small="12" col_extrasmall="12" class=""]

[testimonials /]




NOTE: the images provided in this code will need to be updated to point to the media libray files on your server - so if you don't see the images loaded correctly this is the reason why.

QUANTUM - Powerful WordPress Business Theme

By Pulsar Media - www.pulsarmedia.ca

Post / Page Options

Page Options

The following custom page options are built into the Quantum theme:

1. Page Header Image

Allows you to upload and assign a designated header image for the page you are creating.

2. Page Layout

Allows you to select your desired page layout. You can choose to display a sidebar on the left or right of your content or disable the sidebar entirely.

3. Disable Boostrap container for full width content?

Setting this to "Yes" will disable the default bootstrap container around your content allowing you to create full width layouts (as seen on the homepage of the Quantum demo).

4. Enable Print and Share Options?

Setting this to "ON" will display a print page button and social sharing icons beneath your body content.

5. Display Header?

Setting this to "OFF" will disable the sub-header area.

6. Page Header Message

Allows you to display a designated header message for the page you are creating.

7. Custom Sidebar

This metabox is located on the right hand side column and it allows you to select which sidebar you would like to display on your page.

Post Options

The following custom post options are built into the Quantum theme:

1. Post Header Image

Allows you to upload and assign a designated header image for the post you are creating.

2. Featured Post Image

Allows you to assign a featured image for the post you are creating. Alternatively you can also use the default featured image metabox built into WordPress.

3. Post Layout

Allows you to select your desired post layout. You can choose to display a sidebar on the left or right of your content or disable the sidebar entirely.

4. Feature in Presentation Carousel?

Setting this to "ON" will display your post on the homepage post slider carousel (if its enabled).

5. Post Type Visibility

This metabox is located on the right hand side column and allows you to set your post as "Public" or "Members only". If the latter is selected than only registered members who are logged into your webiste can view the entire post.

6. Custom Sidebar

This metabox is located on the right hand side column and it allows you to select which sidebar you would like to display on your page.

QUANTUM - Powerful WordPress Business Theme

By Pulsar Media - www.pulsarmedia.ca

Custom Post Types

Staff Post Type

The Staff post type allows you to create staff member profiles. You can then display your profiles anywhere throughout your website using the staffProfile shortcode.

The Staff post type is built with the following custom post options (designed to be displayed in the staffProfile shortcode):

1. Staff Profile Image

Allows you to add a profile image that best represents your staff member.

2. Staff Title

Enter the offical title of your staff member (ex. Senior Developer).

3. Twitter Address

Enter the official Twitter address for your staff member - providing this will activate the Twitter icon in the staffProfile shortcode.

4. Facebook Address

Enter the public Facebook address for your staff member - providing this will activate the Facebook icon in the staffProfile shortcode.

5. Google Plus Address

Enter the public Google Plus address for your staff member - providing this will activate the Google Plus icon in the staffProfile shortcode.

6. Linkedin Address

Enter the public Linkedin address for your staff member - providing this will activate the Linkedin icon in the staffProfile shortcode.

Workshop Post Type

The Workshop post type allows you to create workshop posts. The purpose of this post type is to display upcoming webinars on your website.

To setup a Workshop page simply create a new "Page" and assign it the "Workshops Template" file from the Page Attributes metabox (see image below for reference).

The Workshop post type is built with the following custom post options:

1. Page Header Image

Allows you to upload and assign a designated header image for the workshop post you are creating.

2. Related Course Title

You can enter a related course title here or a title that briefly describes the workshop.

3. Short Description

The short description expands upon the related course title and appears just beneath it on the workshop post page

4. Workshop Name

Enter the official name for your Workshop.

5. Workshop Date

Enter the date of your workshop webinar - this field will activate a jquery powered calendar system.

6. Workshop Start Time

Enter the start time of your workshop. (ex. 1:30pm EST.)

7. Workshop Icon

Enter an icon that best relates to your Workshop. You can enter a FontAwesome 4 value or a Typicon value.

Careers Post Type

The Careers post type allows you to create career posts. The purpose of this post type is to display available job opportunites.

To setup a Careers page simply create a new "Page" and assign it the "Careers Template" file from the Page Attributes metabox (see image below for reference).

The Careers post type is built with the following custom post options:

1. Page Header Image

Allows you to upload and assign a designated header image for the career post you are creating.

2. Position

Etner the official position for the career opening (ex. Senior Software Developer)

3. Department

Enter the department related to the career post (ex. Software Development)

4. Opening Type

Enter the opening type of the career post (ex. Full-time, Part-time, Contract)

5. Location

Enter the location of the career post (ex. San Francisco).

6. Icon

Enter an icon that best relates to your Career post. You can enter a FontAwesome 4 value or a Typicon value.

Gallery Post Type (new in version 1.6)

The Gallery post type allows you to gallery posts. The purpose of this post type is to create gallery items and works in conjunction with the Gallery Template.

To setup a Gallery page simply create a new "Page" and assign it the "Gallery Template" file from the Page Attributes metabox (see image below for reference).

The Gallery post type is built with the following custom post options:

1. Page Header Image

Allows you to upload and assign a designated header image for the career post you are creating.

2. Gallery Image

Upload and assign a gallery image (this image displays on the gallery template page)

3. Youtube Video

Enter a Youtube video URL (ex. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ai9qbTKxwkc)

4. Display Youtube Video?

Allows you to enable to disable the Youtube video from the carousel - if this is set to NO then the gallery image will display instead.

5. Caption

Enter a short caption for your gallery item.

QUANTUM - Powerful WordPress Business Theme

By Pulsar Media - www.pulsarmedia.ca

Members Area

The members area of the Quantum theme is a private system for registered members only. In the members area, members can browse workshop files, view past and current orders, and update their account information.

There are 3 custom member roles (provided by the Member-roles plug-in) that can access the members area. These roles are:

Standard Member

  • A Standard Member can access private posts, edit their account information and view past and current orders.

Board Member

  • A Board Member can access private posts, browse workshop files and archives, edit their account information and view past and current orders.

Executive Member

  • An Executive Member has all the same priveleges as a Board Member. The purpose of this role is simply a title change indicating that the registered user is an executive member.

Setting up the Members Login page

To setup the Members login page simply create a new "Page" and assign it the "Members Login Template" file from the Page Attributes metabox (see image below for reference). Be sure to name this Page "Login" and that the slug name of the page is login (this is required for redirect purposes). Also, make sure Permalinks are set to "Post Name".

Setting up the Members Registration page (new in version 1.6)

To setup the Members registration page simply create a new "Page" and assign it the "Members Registration Template" file from the Page Attributes metabox (see image below for reference).

Enabling the Quick Login panel (new in version 1.6)

To enable the quick login panel simply access the theme customizer under Appearance -> Customize QUANTUM and locate the new Quick Login Options tab. Under here you can set the "Enable Quick Login" option to YES

Setting up the Members Account page

To setup the Members account page simply create a new "Page" and assign it the "Members Account Template" file from the Page Attributes metabox (see image below for reference). Be sure to name this Page "Members Account" and that the slug name of the page is members-account (this is required for redirect purposes). Also, make sure Permalinks are set to "Post Name".

Setting up the Members Area page

To setup the Members area page simply create a new "Page" and assign it the "Members Area Template" file from the Page Attributes metabox (see image below for reference). Be sure to name this Page "Members Area" and that the slug name of the page is members-area (this is required for redirect purposes). Also, make sure Permalinks are set to "Post Name".

Members Area interface

When logged into the Members area you will notice that the buttons in the header automatically change to administration buttons allowing logged in members to quickly access the Members area and the option to Sign Out at any time anywhere throughout the site. Your first name is also displayed adjacent to the Welcome back message.

When browsing through the Members area you will notice that the Members area has its own dedicated navigation located just below the sub-header area. This navigation allows you to navigate across each area of the Members backend. NOTE: Pressing the "Sign Out" button on the Members navigation will redirect you back to the login page whereas the "Sign out" button in the header area will redirect you back to the current page you are browsing.

NOTE: If you would like to keep your files private for members only you can use the dl-file.php that comes bundled with the Quantum theme. This file must uploaded to the root directory of your domain. Please note: using this script will cause a minor slowdown on your website so use it only if you need to.

Assigning Files to the Workshop area

Under the Media library you will notice that two new taxonomies have been added the media attachment post type - "File Assignment" and "Archive Assignment".

File Assignment Taxonomy

There are only two tags that should exist for this taxonomy - "Sidebar" and "Workshop". You can use these two tags to assign your files to the Workshop area and the Member files widget (more info on this below). Other tags created under this taxonomy will not be recognized in the Members area and will be of no use. As an example your File Assignment taxonomy should look exactly like the following image:

Archive Assignment Taxonomy

There is only one type of tag that should be inserted into this taxonomy - year tags. You can archive your files by assigning year dates to them via this taxonomy. You can insert as many year dates as you desire but know that this is the only value type the members area will accept.

As an example your Archive Assignment taxonomy should look similar to the following image:

Member Area widgets

Built into the QUANTUM theme are two dedicated widgets for the Members area - the "Members Archive" widget and the "Member Files" widget

Members Archive widget

The Members Archive widget displays a drop down menu of all the dates that have been inserted into the Archive Assignment taxonomy. This drop down menu will allow you to browse your files by the year tags that they have been assigned. An example of this can be seen in the image below:

Member Files widget

The Members Archive widget displays a list of files that have been assigned the "sidebar" tag under the File Assignment taxonomy. An example of this can be seen in the image below:

File naming conventions

One last thing we would like to point out about the members area is file naming conventions. As an example, when uploading your files to the media library be sure to name them descriptively in the following format:


This will allow the parser to extract the file name and date correctly and display it in a presentable manner like so:

QUANTUM - Powerful WordPress Business Theme

By Pulsar Media - www.pulsarmedia.ca

Quantum Options

QUANTUM uses the Redux Framework to manage options and font styles. You can access these options under "Quantum Options" in the WordPress administration area.

Each option within each tab has a short description which describes the purpose of the option. If you are unsure or have a question about a specific option feel free to email our support team at themesupport@pulsarmedia.ca

The following screenshot provides an overview of the Quantum Options section in WordPress.

QUANTUM - Powerful WordPress Business Theme

By Pulsar Media - www.pulsarmedia.ca

Theme Customizer

The theme customizer allows you to customize your website within a dynamic window environment. All changes you make within this environment can be previewed in real-time before any changes are saved - thats right, you can see your changes first and decide later whether or not to save and commit your changes.

The theme customizer can be accessed under Appearance -> Customize QUANTUM - see image below for a reference of the theme customizer environment.

Theme Customizer overview

  • Post Slider Options
    • Slide Speed (sets the slide speed of the carousel when controlled by the navigation arrows or touch swipe. We recommend keeping this at around 500.)
    • Rewind Speed (sets the rewind speed of the carousel - this occurs when the slider reaches the last post and rewinds back to the first post. We recommend keeping this at around 1000.)
    • Auto Play Speed (sets the autoplay speed of the carousel. To disable autoplay set this value to 0 otherwise we recommend keeping it at around 8000.)
    • Text Area Height (sets the height of the textarea box surrounding to post carousel.)
    • Enable Post Slider? (disables or enables the post carousel on the homepage. If you plan on using your own slider system on the homepage then set this to "NO")
    • Hide Slider Posts? (with this option you can choose to hide the posts only while keeping the text area active)
    • Presentation Image (set the background image of the presentation carousel)
    • Presentation Text (insert a call to action with addtional info for the presentation carousel. This field accepts HTML tags.)
    • Title Background color (set the background color of the post title)
    • Excerpt Background color (set the background color of the post excerpt)
    • Button Border color (set the border color of the post navigation system)
    • Button color (set the background color of the post navigation system)
    • Text background color (set the background color of the post carousel text area)
    • Date Background color (set the background color of the post date)
  • Alert Options
    • This tab allows you to manage colors for each of the five alert types.
  • Shortcode Options
    • Quote box color - applies to the quoteBox shortcode
    • Testimonials Carousel quote color - applies to the testimonials shortcode
    • Data Table title color - applies to the dataTableItem shortcode
    • Data Table info color - applies to the dataTableItem shortcode
    • Staff Profile background color - applies to the staffProfile shortcode
    • Stat Box 1 background color - applies to the statBox1 shortcode
    • Progress bar color - applies to the progressBar shortcode
  • Header Options
    • Main Menu Background Color - applies to the main navigation and the members area navigation
    • Main Menu Border Color - applies to the main navigation and the members area navigation
    • Main Menu Hover Color - applies to the main navigation text
    • Drop Menu Indicator - apply your own arrow graphic for the drop down indicator or leave this blank to use the default indiciator. You can use the original graphic png file posted here and recolor the arrows to your liking:

    • Sub Menu Background Color - applies to the business info just above the navigation area
    • Global Header Image - applies to the following pages: 404, Search, Tag archive and Category archive.
    • Enable sub-header parallax? - enable or disable the parallax effect in the sub-header area
    • Login and Search Border Color - applies a border color to the Login button and the Search button
    • Subpage Header Background Color - applies a background color to the sub-header
    • Company Logo - this logo file appears in the main navigation. Recommended size is 220px x 65px.
    • Register Border Color - applies a border color the Register button
    • Login and Search Button Color - applies a color to the Login button and Search button
    • Register Button Color - applies a color to the Register button
    • Navigation Border Color - applies to the main navigation and the members area navigation
    • Navigation button Color - applies to the main navigation and the members area navigation
    • Page Title Background Color - applies to the page title
    • Display Sub Menu Background Color? - shows or hides the background color in the sub-menu area
    • Sticky Navigation - enable or disable sticky navigation on the main navigation
    • Breadcrumbs - enable or disable breadcrumbs in the sub-header area
    • Enable Registration? - enable or disable the Register button
    • Enable Login? - enable or disable the Login button
    • Enable Search? - enable or disable the Search button
    • Enable Call to action? - enable or disable the Call to action text (displays to public viewers only)
    • Search text - enter your desired message for the Search overlay window
    • Search field text - enter your desired text for the search field within the search overlay window
    • Call to Action text - enter your desired message for the call to action. We recommend keeping this as short as possible.
    • Register Link - enter the URL to your registration page
    • Login Link - enter the URL to your members login page
    • Company Logo URL - this will override the default root URL on the main company logo. We recommend keeping this empty value unless neccessary.
  • Layout Options
    • This tab allows you to manage layout options for certain areas of the site such as the index page and footer. You can also enable boxed mode under this tab.
  • Footer Options
    • Mailchimp Subscribe URL - enter your Mailchimp signup form URL. This will be applied to the Newsletter field in the Social footer area.
    • Footer Navigation Background Color - applies to the section of the footer which contains the copyright information and navigation
    • Copyright Notice - appears in the footer area
    • Newsletter Call To Action - appears in the social footer area
    • Social Media Call To Action - appears in the social footer area
    • Social Icon Color - applies to the social icons in the social footer area
    • Fat Footer Background Image - applies a background image to the fat footer area
    • Footer Background Color - applies a background color to the footer area
    • Newsletter Field Color - applies a color to the newsletter textfield in the social footer area
    • Fat Footer Background Color - applies a background color to the fat footer area
    • Footer Widget Title Icon Color - applies a background color to the icon in the footer widget title
    • Footer Widget Title Color - applies a background color to the footer widget title
    • Social Footer - enable or disable the social footer area
    • Footer Info and Navigation - enable or disable the copyright information and footer navigation area
    • Fat Footer - enable or disable the fat footer
    • Return To Top Icon - accepts a FontAwesome value and gets applied the triangle button that appears in the lower right hand corner of the screen on desktop, laptop and tablet resolutions.

    New Footer options added in version 1.5

    • Toggle default newsletter CTA? - displays the default call to action for the newsletter signup area (this can be translated by WPML). NOTE: This option overrides the Newsletter Call To Action option
    • Toggle default CTA for social icons? - displays the default call to action for the social media area (this can be translated by WPML). NOTE: This option overrides the Social Media Call To Action option
  • Global Options
    • Background Color - applies a color to the main background of the site.
    • ToolTip - enable or disable tooltips throughout the site
    • Invalid Search Message - appears on the search results page when an invalid search occurs
    • Sidebar Title Border - applies a border to the widget titles in the sidebar area
    • Background image - applies a background image to the main background of the site
    • Primary Color - applies to certain elements throughout the site
    • Secondary Color - applies to certain elements throughout the site
    • Divider/Border Color - applies to certain elements throughout the site
    • ToolTip Color - applies to the tooltip background
    • Blockquote Color - applies to the blockquote tag
    • Author and Comment Box Color - applies to the comments and author profile on single news posts
    • Post Share Box Color - applies a background color to the social share section located just beneath the author profile
    • Repeat Background - If you are applying a pattern image as the main background then you can control its repeat value with this option
    • Global Button Border Color - applies a border color to all buttons throughout the site such as tags, comments and forms
    • Global Button Border Color - enable or disable the theme sampler which appears as a slide out window in the upper left hand corner of the theme.
    • Global Button Background Color - applies a background color to all buttons throughout the site such as tags, comments and forms
    • UL List Icon - applies to the unordered list tag
  • Business Info
    • Under this tab you can insert all of your desired busines information. The information you insert under this tab will appear in the header and footer areas.
  • Woocommerce Options
    • Products Per Page - control the amount of products or courses to display on the shop page
    • Category/Tag Page Header Image - applies to the Woocommerce tags and category pages.
    • Course excerpt background color - applies to the course post description box
    • View details background color - applies to the course post link button
  • Post Options
    • Under this tab you can control certain colors that apply to News posts.
  • Workshop Options
    • Under this tab you can control certain colors that apply to Workshop posts.
  • Career Options
    • Under this tab you can control certain colors that apply to Career posts.
  • Quick Login Options (new in version 1.6)
    • Activator Icon - insert your Typicon or FontAwesome icon value to display in the Activator button (this button appears next to the search button)
    • Notification Position - set the vertical position of the notification message
    • Panel Text - insert your own desired text for the quick login panel (this appears on the left hand side of the panel)
    • Background Image - apply a background image to the quick login panel
    • Enable Quick Login? - turn the quick login panel on or off
    • Background color - apply a background color to the quick login panel
    • Submit Button Color - apply a color to the submit button
    • Notification Background Color - apply a background color to the notificiation message
    • Activator Button Border Color - apply a border color to the activator button
    • Activator Button Color - apply a color to the activator button
    • Submit Button Border Color - apply a border color to the submit button
    • Notification Border Color - apply a border color to the notification message

QUANTUM - Powerful WordPress Business Theme

By Pulsar Media - www.pulsarmedia.ca


                                                            [bootstrapContainer fullscreen="off" bgcolor="transparent" bgimage="" bgposition="static" bgrepeat="repeat-x" alignment="left" paddingTop="60" paddingBottom="60" border_color="#DBC164" border_height="0" parallax="off" icon="" class="" id=""]
                                                            	Bootstrap row and columns go here

Accepted parameters:

  • fullscreen (accepts a value of "on" or "off")
  • bgcolor (accepts a hex color value #343434)
  • bgimage (accepts an absolute URL path to an image)
  • bgposition (accepts a value of static or fixed. This only applies if the parallax parameter is set to "off")
  • bgrepeat (accepts a value of repeat-x, repeat-y, no-repeat, repeat)
  • alignment (accepts a value of left, right or center)
  • paddingTop (accepts a value of 0 to 120 in increments of 10)
  • paddingBottom (accepts a value of 0 to 120 in increments of 10)
  • border_color (accepts a hex color value #343434)
  • border_height (set the height of the border - we recommend a value between 1 and 6. Entering a value of 0 will hide the border.)
  • parallax (accepts a value of "on" or "off")
  • icon (accpets a FontAwesome 4 value (fa fa-chevron-down) or a Tyicon value (typcn typcn-vendor-android))
  • class (apply your own custom classes or apply some helper classes)
  • id (assign a unique id name to the container - this is useful for the page scroll feature)
bootstrapRow / nestedRow
                                                            [bootstrapRow class=""]
                                                            Bootstrap columns go here

The bootstrapRow shortcode can also be renamed to nestedRow if you plan on using nested rows. See below for an example:

                                                            [bootstrapRow class=""]

                                                            [bootstrapColumn col_large="12" col_medium="12" col_small="12" col_extrasmall="12" class=""]
                                                            [nestedRow class=""]

Accepted parameters:

  • class (apply your own custom classes or apply some helper classes)
bootstrapColumn / nestedColumn
                                                            [bootstrapColumn col_large="12" col_medium="12" col_small="12" col_extrasmall="12" class=""]
                                                            Body content goes here

The bootstrapColumn shortcode can also be renamed to nestedColumn if you plan on using nested columns. See below for an example:

                                                            [bootstrapRow class=""]

                                                            [bootstrapColumn col_large="12" col_medium="12" col_small="12" col_extrasmall="12" class=""]
                                                            [nestedRow class=""]
                                                            [nestedColumn col_large="12" col_medium="12" col_small="12" col_extrasmall="12" class=""][/nestedColumn]

Accepted parameters:

  • col_large (accepts a value between 1 and 12 - this parameter applies to desktop resolutions)
  • col_medium (accepts a value between 1 and 12 - this parameter applies to laptop resolutions)
  • col_small (accepts a value between 1 and 12 - this parameter applies to tablet resolutions)
  • col_extrasmall (accepts a value between 1 and 12 - this parameter applies to smartphone resolutions
  • class (apply your own custom classes or apply some helper classes)
                                                            [alert close="true" type="success" icon=""]
                                                            Alert message goes here

Accepted parameters:

  • close (accepts a value of "true" or "false")
  • type (accepts a value of success, danger, info, notice and warning)
  • icon (accepts a Tyicon value (typcn typcn-tick)
                                                            [standardButton link="#" margin_top="20" margin_bottom="20" target="_self" icon="fa fa-angle-right" transparency="off" animated="off" class=""]
                                                            Button text goes here

Accepted parameters:

  • link (accepts a valid URL value or an id name to a specific bootstrap container for a neat page scroll effect)
  • margin_top (applies a margin for spacing along the top of the button)
  • margin_bottom (applies a margin for spacing along the bottom of the button)
  • target (accepts a value of "_self" or "_blank")
  • icon (accepts a FontAwesome 4 value. Ex. fa fa-angle-right)
  • transparency (removes the background color from the button making it transparent. This is useful if you plan on placing your button over top of an image.)
  • animated (accepts a value of "on" or "off". Setting this to "on" will fade the icon in upon mouse hover.)
  • class (useful for applying the "pm-page-scroll" class for page scroll effects)
                                                            [boxButton link="#" margin_top="0" margin_bottom="0" icon="typcn typcn-vendor-microsoft" target="_self"]
                                                            Button text goes here

Accepted parameters:

  • link (accepts a valid URL value)
  • margin_top (applies a margin for spacing along the top of the button)
  • margin_bottom (applies a margin for spacing along the bottom of the button)
  • icon (accepts a Typicon value. Ex. typcn typcn-vendor-android)
  • target (accepts a value of "_self" or "_blank")
                                                            [progressBar percentage="75" text="Increased Productivity" id="1" /]

Accepted parameters:

  • percentage (accepts a positive integer between 1 and 100)
  • text (applies a short description just above the progress bar)
  • id (if you plan on displaying more than one progress bar on a page then each progress bar must have its own unique id number in ascending order)
                                                            [singlePost id="1" /]

Accepted parameters:

  • id (accepts a post id value)
                                                            [divider height="1" bg_color="#E3E3E3" margin="20" /]

Accepted parameters:

  • height (set the height of the divider)
  • bg_color (accpets a hex value #343434)
  • margin (applies spacing evenly along the top and botto of the divider)
                                                            [youtubeVideo id="0" height="250" /]

Accepted parameters:

  • id (accepts a Youtube video id)
  • height (set the height of the video)
                                                            [vimeoVideo id="0" height="250" /]

Accepted parameters:

  • id (accepts a Vimeo video id)
  • height (set the height of the video)
                                                            [html5Video webm="" mp4="" ogg=""][/html5Video]

Accepted parameters:

  • webm (enter the absolute path to your webm video)
  • mp4 (enter the absolute path to your mp4 video)
  • ogg (enter the absolute path to your ogg video)
  • li>
tabGroup / tabItem
                                                            [tabItem title="Tab"][/tabItem]

The tabGroup shortcode is a wrapper for the tabItem shortcode and it does not take any parameters. You can place as many tab items as you prefer within the tabGroup shortcode.

Accepted tabItem parameters:

  • title (enter a title for the tab button)
accordionGroup / accordionItem

The accordionGroup shortcode is a wrapper for the accordionItem shortcode and it does not take any parameters. You can place as many accordion items as you prefer within the accordionGroup shortcode.

                                                            [accordionItem title="Accordion Item 1"][/accordionItem]

Accepted accordionItem parameters:

  • title (enter a title for the accordion button)
                                                            [testimonials /]

This shortcode is self-closing and does not take any parameters.

                                                            [contactForm title="Contact Form" title_size="28" email_address="name@yourdomain.com" alert_message="All fields are required." button_text="Send Message" text_color="red" /]

Accepted parameters:

  • title (enter a title for the contact form)
  • title_size (control the size of the title)
  • email_address (all messages submitted through the contact form will be forwarded to the email address provided here)
  • alert_message (enter an alert message such as "All fields are required")
  • button_text (enter some text for the contact form button such as "Send Message")
  • text_color (enter a hex value #343434 or a flat color such as red)
                                                            [googleMap id="anotherMap" zoom="13" latitude="43.656885" longitude="-79.383904" message="We are here" height="300" /]

Accepted parameters:

  • id (enter a unique id name for your map)
  • zoom (set the zoom level of your map)
  • latitude (enter the latitude value of your location)
  • longitude (enter the longitude value of your location)
  • message (enter a message for the google map marker tooltip)
  • height (set a height for the map)
                                                            [ctaBox title="" icon="fa fa-exclamation" icon_color="#DBC164"]
                                                            Text goes here

Accepted parameters:

  • title (enter a title for your call to action)
  • icon (enter a FontAwesome 4 value)
  • icon_color (accepts a hex value #343434)
                                                            [iconElement symbol="typcn typcn-device-tablet" color="#2C5C82" size="4" /]

Accepted parameters:

  • symbol (accepts a Typicon or FontAwesome 4 value)
  • color (accepts a hex value #343434)
  • size (accepts a value between 1 and 5)
sliderCarousel / sliderItem
                                                            [sliderCarousel animation="slide"]
                                                            [sliderItem img="" title="" /]

The sliderCarousel shortcode is a wrapper for the sliderItem shortcode. You can place as many slider items as you prefer within the sliderCarousel shortcode.

Accepted sliderCarousel parameters:

  • animation

Accepted sliderItem parameters:

  • img (accepts an absolute URL path to an image)
  • title (set the title of the image - this will be applied to the image alt attribute for SEO purposes)
                                                            [clientCarousel target="_self" /]

Accepted parameters:

  • target (accepts a value of "_self" or "_blank")
                                                            [panelsCarousel target="_self" /]

Accepted parameters:

  • target (accepts a value of "_self" or "_blank")
                                                            [piechart bar_size="220" line_width="7" track_color="#dbdbdb" bar_color="#2B5C84" percentage="75" icon="typcn typcn-thumbs-up" caption="Cost Reduction" font_size="40" /]

Accepted parameters:

  • bar_size (set the width of the bar)
  • line_width (set the width of the animated line)
  • track_color (accepts a hex value #343434)
  • bar_color (accepts a hex value #343434)
  • percentage (accepts a value between 1 and 100)
  • icon (accpets a Typicon value)
  • caption (enter a short caption for your pie chart)
  • font_size (set the font size of the pie chart animated text)
                                                            [milestone speed="2000" stop="75" caption="Quality Assurance" icon="typcn typcn-chart-line" font_size="60" style="1" /]

Accepted parameters:

  • speed (set the speed of the milestone counter. This works in milliseconds so entering a value of 2000 equals 2 seconds.)
  • stop (set the number of which the milestone will stop at)
  • caption
  • caption (enter a short caption for your milestone)
  • font_size (set the font size of the milestone animated text)
  • style (accepts a value of "1" or "2". Entering a value of "2" will apply a background container to your milestone)
                                                            [countdown date="2014/08/25" /]

Accepted parameters:

  • date (accepts a date value in the following format: 2014/08/25)
                                                            [quoteBox author_name="Jane Tolman" author_title="Visual Designer, Academix Systems" avatar="" text_color="#333354" name_color="#295D84"][/quoteBox]

Accepted parameters:

  • author_name (enter the name of the author)
  • author_title (enter the title of the author)
  • avatar (accepts an absolute URL path to an image)
  • text_color (accepts a hex value #343434)
  • name_color (accepts a hex value #343434)
                                                            [pricingTable title="Advanced" icon="typcn typcn-vendor-android" price="$49.99" subscript="/yearly" button_text="Buy Now" button_link="http://www.google.com" header_color="#2B5D82" price_color="#DBC164"][/pricingTable]

Accepted parameters:

  • title (set the title of the table)
  • icon (accepts a Typicon value)
  • price (set the price for your pricing table)
  • subscript (set the subscript for your pricing model. Ex. /yearly, /mo, /day)
  • button_text (enter a value for the purchase button such as "Purchase Now")
  • button_link (accepts a hex value #343434)
  • header_color (accepts a hex value #343434)
  • price_color (accepts a hex value #343434)
                                                            [newsletterSignup mailchimp_url="" name_placeholder="Your Name" email_placeholder="Email Address" class="" /]

Accepted parameters:

  • mailchimp_url (enter the public URL to your mailchimp newsletter signup page)
  • name_placeholder (applies to the name text field)
  • email_placeholder (applies to the email text field)
                                                            [ctaBox2 divider_color="#dbc164" class=""][/ctaBox2]

Accepted parameters:

  • divider_color (accepts a hex value #343434)
  • class (useful for applying animation effects such as "wow fadeInUp")
                                                            [statBox1 stat_image="" stat_percentage="75%" text_color="white" class="wow fadeInUp" animation_delay="1"][/statBox1]

Accepted parameters:

  • stat_image (accepts an absolute URL path to an image)
  • stat_percentage (enter statistic percentage)
  • text_color (accepts a hex value #343434)
  • class (useful for applying animation effects such as "wow fadeInUp")
  • animation_delay (useful for applying a delay to animation effects. Accepts a value between 1 and 9.)
                                                            [statBox2 bg_image="" stat_number="10" stat_title="Engineers" text_color="white" class="wow fadeInUp" animation_delay="1"][/statBox2]

Accepted parameters:

  • bg_image (accepts an absolute URL path to an image)
  • stat_number (enter a number for your statistic)
  • stat_title (enter a title for your statistic)
  • text_color (accepts a hex value #343434)
  • class (useful for applying animation effects such as "wow fadeInUp")
  • animation_delay (useful for applying a delay to animation effects. Accepts a value between 1 and 9.)
dataTableGroup / dataTableItem
                                                            [dataTableItem title="Column Title"]
                                                            Short body content goes here

The dataTableGroup shortcode is a wrapper for the dataTableItem shortcode and it does not accept any parameters. You can place as many date table items as you prefer within the dataTableGroup shortcode.

Accepted dataTableItem parameters:

  • title (enter a title for the left hand column of the data table item)
                                                            [staffProfile id="" name_color="#2C5E83" title_color="#4B4B4B" text_color="#4b4b4b" icon_color="#dad9d9" target="_blank" class="wow fadeInUp" animation_delay="1" /]

Accepted parameters:

  • id (accepts a staff post id value)
  • name_color (accepts a hex value #343434)
  • title_color (accepts a hex value #343434)
  • text_color (accepts a hex value #343434)
  • icon_color (accepts a hex value #343434)
  • target (accepts a value of "_self" or "_blank". This will apply to the social icons.)
  • class (useful for applying animation effects such as "wow fadeInUp")
  • animation_delay (useful for applying a delay to animation effects. Accepts a value between 1 and 9.)
                                                            [workshopPost post_id="" class="wow fadeInUp" /]

Accepted parameters:

  • post_id (accepts a workshop post id value)
  • class (useful for applying animation effects such as "wow fadeInUp")

QUANTUM - Powerful WordPress Business Theme

By Pulsar Media - www.pulsarmedia.ca

Language Support

The QUANTUM theme can be translated to your language of choice by editing the localization.po file located in the theme's languages folder. The file can be opened and edited with POEdit - you can download POEdit here. Once you have inserted your translations and saved the file a .mo file will also be generated - the .mo file should match the same file name as the .po file.

You will also have to define your language in the wp-config.php file located on your server. The following line of code should be added to your wp-config.php file:

define ('WPLANG', 'en_EN');

You will have to update/change the 'en_EN' to match your language code which you can find on the offical WordPress languages page here

Alternatively, you can avoid all of the above steps and instead use the popular WPML plug-in to translate the QUANTUM theme easily through the WordPress admin panel.

QUANTUM - Powerful WordPress Business Theme

By Pulsar Media - www.pulsarmedia.ca


The QUANTUM theme includes a plug-in called Member Roles. This file can be located in the security_addons folder. This plug-in is required for the members area so be sure to install it.

The QUANTUM theme also has Woocommerce support and you can download Woocommerce here.

QUANTUM - Powerful WordPress Business Theme

By Pulsar Media - www.pulsarmedia.ca

Helper Classes

The following is a list of helper classes that be applied to shortcodes:

  • pm-row-margin-30 (can be applied to the bootstrapRow class parameter. This helper classes adds an additional 30 pixels of spacing.)
  • pm-white-text (can be applied to any bootstrap shortcode. This will convert any dark text to white text if required.)
  • pm-large-font (can be applied to any bootstrap shortcode. This will increase your font size to 24 pixels)
  • pm-medium-font (can be applied to any bootstrap shortcode. This will increase your font size to 18 pixels)
  • pm-large-link (can be applied to any bootstrap shortcode. This will increase your link tag font size to 24 pixels)
  • pm-medium-link (can be applied to any bootstrap shortcode. This will increase your link tag font size to 18 pixels)
  • pm-center (can be applied to any bootstrap shortcode. This will center all the content within your bootstrap columns)
  • pm-mobile-center (can be applied to any bootstrap shortcode. This will center all the content within your bootstrap columns on mobile resolutions only)
  • pm-primary-bg (can be applied to shortcodes such as statBox1 to change the background color of the element to the primary color)
  • pm-secondary-bg (can be applied to shortcodes such as statBox1 to change the background color of the element to the secondary color)
  • pm-page-scroll (can be assigned to the standardButton shortcode to trigger a page scroll effect)

QUANTUM - Powerful WordPress Business Theme

By Pulsar Media - www.pulsarmedia.ca

Additional Information

Website Security

If you plan on using the private members area please keep in mind that it is not 100% secure right of the bat. Pulsar Media will NOT be held liable to any possible attacks or break-ins to your WordPress website.

We strongly encourage you to obtaion an SSL certificate for the Private Members Area to keep it more secure against hackers and that you implement the correct security settings on your server.

Pulsar Media is available to assist you with security settings but this service will come at an additional cost.

QUANTUM - Powerful WordPress Business Theme

By Pulsar Media - www.pulsarmedia.ca

Closing Commments

We want to express our sincerest grattitude for your purchase. We hope you enjoy using the QUANTUM theme and if you have any questions that are outside the scope of this documentation feel free to post a comment on our official Themeforest page or email our support team at themesupport@pulsarmedia.ca.

Once again on behalf of Pulsar Media we hope you enjoy using the theme and we wish you all the best with your success.