[bootstrapContainer fullscreen="off" bgcolor="transparent" bgimage="" bgposition="static" bgrepeat="repeat-x" alignment="left" paddingTop="60" paddingBottom="60" border_color="#DBC164" border_height="0" parallax="off" icon="" class="" id=""]
Bootstrap row and columns go here
Accepted parameters:
- fullscreen (accepts a value of "on" or "off")
- bgcolor (accepts a hex color value #343434)
- bgimage (accepts an absolute URL path to an image)
- bgposition (accepts a value of static or fixed. This only applies if the parallax parameter is set to "off")
- bgrepeat (accepts a value of repeat-x, repeat-y, no-repeat, repeat)
- alignment (accepts a value of left, right or center)
- paddingTop (accepts a value of 0 to 120 in increments of 10)
- paddingBottom (accepts a value of 0 to 120 in increments of 10)
- border_color (accepts a hex color value #343434)
- border_height (set the height of the border - we recommend a value between 1 and 6. Entering a value of 0 will hide the border.)
- parallax (accepts a value of "on" or "off")
- icon (accpets a FontAwesome 4 value (fa fa-chevron-down) or a Tyicon value (typcn typcn-vendor-android))
- class (apply your own custom classes or apply some helper classes)
- id (assign a unique id name to the container - this is useful for the page scroll feature)
bootstrapRow / nestedRow
[bootstrapRow class=""]
Bootstrap columns go here
The bootstrapRow shortcode can also be renamed to nestedRow if you plan on using nested rows. See below for an example:
[bootstrapRow class=""]
[bootstrapColumn col_large="12" col_medium="12" col_small="12" col_extrasmall="12" class=""]
[nestedRow class=""]
Accepted parameters:
- class (apply your own custom classes or apply some helper classes)
bootstrapColumn / nestedColumn
[bootstrapColumn col_large="12" col_medium="12" col_small="12" col_extrasmall="12" class=""]
Body content goes here
The bootstrapColumn shortcode can also be renamed to nestedColumn if you plan on using nested columns. See below for an example:
[bootstrapRow class=""]
[bootstrapColumn col_large="12" col_medium="12" col_small="12" col_extrasmall="12" class=""]
[nestedRow class=""]
[nestedColumn col_large="12" col_medium="12" col_small="12" col_extrasmall="12" class=""][/nestedColumn]
Accepted parameters:
- col_large (accepts a value between 1 and 12 - this parameter applies to desktop resolutions)
- col_medium (accepts a value between 1 and 12 - this parameter applies to laptop resolutions)
- col_small (accepts a value between 1 and 12 - this parameter applies to tablet resolutions)
- col_extrasmall (accepts a value between 1 and 12 - this parameter applies to smartphone resolutions
- class (apply your own custom classes or apply some helper classes)
[alert close="true" type="success" icon=""]
Alert message goes here
Accepted parameters:
- close (accepts a value of "true" or "false")
- type (accepts a value of success, danger, info, notice and warning)
- icon (accepts a Tyicon value (typcn typcn-tick)
[standardButton link="#" margin_top="20" margin_bottom="20" target="_self" icon="fa fa-angle-right" transparency="off" animated="off" class=""]
Button text goes here
Accepted parameters:
- link (accepts a valid URL value or an id name to a specific bootstrap container for a neat page scroll effect)
- margin_top (applies a margin for spacing along the top of the button)
- margin_bottom (applies a margin for spacing along the bottom of the button)
- target (accepts a value of "_self" or "_blank")
- icon (accepts a FontAwesome 4 value. Ex. fa fa-angle-right)
- transparency (removes the background color from the button making it transparent. This is useful if you plan on placing your button over top of an image.)
- animated (accepts a value of "on" or "off". Setting this to "on" will fade the icon in upon mouse hover.)
- class (useful for applying the "pm-page-scroll" class for page scroll effects)
[boxButton link="#" margin_top="0" margin_bottom="0" icon="typcn typcn-vendor-microsoft" target="_self"]
Button text goes here
Accepted parameters:
- link (accepts a valid URL value)
- margin_top (applies a margin for spacing along the top of the button)
- margin_bottom (applies a margin for spacing along the bottom of the button)
- icon (accepts a Typicon value. Ex. typcn typcn-vendor-android)
- target (accepts a value of "_self" or "_blank")
[progressBar percentage="75" text="Increased Productivity" id="1" /]
Accepted parameters:
- percentage (accepts a positive integer between 1 and 100)
- text (applies a short description just above the progress bar)
- id (if you plan on displaying more than one progress bar on a page then each progress bar must have its own unique id number in ascending order)
[singlePost id="1" /]
Accepted parameters:
- id (accepts a post id value)
[divider height="1" bg_color="#E3E3E3" margin="20" /]
Accepted parameters:
- height (set the height of the divider)
- bg_color (accpets a hex value #343434)
- margin (applies spacing evenly along the top and botto of the divider)
[youtubeVideo id="0" height="250" /]
Accepted parameters:
- id (accepts a Youtube video id)
- height (set the height of the video)
[vimeoVideo id="0" height="250" /]
Accepted parameters:
- id (accepts a Vimeo video id)
- height (set the height of the video)
[html5Video webm="" mp4="" ogg=""][/html5Video]
Accepted parameters:
- webm (enter the absolute path to your webm video)
- mp4 (enter the absolute path to your mp4 video)
- ogg (enter the absolute path to your ogg video)
tabGroup / tabItem
[tabItem title="Tab"][/tabItem]
The tabGroup shortcode is a wrapper for the tabItem shortcode and it does not take any parameters. You can place as many tab items as you prefer within the tabGroup shortcode.
Accepted tabItem parameters:
- title (enter a title for the tab button)
accordionGroup / accordionItem
The accordionGroup shortcode is a wrapper for the accordionItem shortcode and it does not take any parameters. You can place as many accordion items as you prefer within the accordionGroup shortcode.
[accordionItem title="Accordion Item 1"][/accordionItem]
Accepted accordionItem parameters:
- title (enter a title for the accordion button)
[testimonials /]
This shortcode is self-closing and does not take any parameters.
[contactForm title="Contact Form" title_size="28" email_address="" alert_message="All fields are required." button_text="Send Message" text_color="red" /]
Accepted parameters:
- title (enter a title for the contact form)
- title_size (control the size of the title)
- email_address (all messages submitted through the contact form will be forwarded to the email address provided here)
- alert_message (enter an alert message such as "All fields are required")
- button_text (enter some text for the contact form button such as "Send Message")
- text_color (enter a hex value #343434 or a flat color such as red)
[googleMap id="anotherMap" zoom="13" latitude="43.656885" longitude="-79.383904" message="We are here" height="300" /]
Accepted parameters:
- id (enter a unique id name for your map)
- zoom (set the zoom level of your map)
- latitude (enter the latitude value of your location)
- longitude (enter the longitude value of your location)
- message (enter a message for the google map marker tooltip)
- height (set a height for the map)
[ctaBox title="" icon="fa fa-exclamation" icon_color="#DBC164"]
Text goes here
Accepted parameters:
- title (enter a title for your call to action)
- icon (enter a FontAwesome 4 value)
- icon_color (accepts a hex value #343434)
[iconElement symbol="typcn typcn-device-tablet" color="#2C5C82" size="4" /]
Accepted parameters:
- symbol (accepts a Typicon or FontAwesome 4 value)
- color (accepts a hex value #343434)
- size (accepts a value between 1 and 5)
sliderCarousel / sliderItem
[sliderCarousel animation="slide"]
[sliderItem img="" title="" /]
The sliderCarousel shortcode is a wrapper for the sliderItem shortcode. You can place as many slider items as you prefer within the sliderCarousel shortcode.
Accepted sliderCarousel parameters:
Accepted sliderItem parameters:
- img (accepts an absolute URL path to an image)
- title (set the title of the image - this will be applied to the image alt attribute for SEO purposes)
[clientCarousel target="_self" /]
Accepted parameters:
- target (accepts a value of "_self" or "_blank")
[panelsCarousel target="_self" /]
Accepted parameters:
- target (accepts a value of "_self" or "_blank")
[piechart bar_size="220" line_width="7" track_color="#dbdbdb" bar_color="#2B5C84" percentage="75" icon="typcn typcn-thumbs-up" caption="Cost Reduction" font_size="40" /]
Accepted parameters:
- bar_size (set the width of the bar)
- line_width (set the width of the animated line)
- track_color (accepts a hex value #343434)
- bar_color (accepts a hex value #343434)
- percentage (accepts a value between 1 and 100)
- icon (accpets a Typicon value)
- caption (enter a short caption for your pie chart)
- font_size (set the font size of the pie chart animated text)
[milestone speed="2000" stop="75" caption="Quality Assurance" icon="typcn typcn-chart-line" font_size="60" style="1" /]
Accepted parameters:
- speed (set the speed of the milestone counter. This works in milliseconds so entering a value of 2000 equals 2 seconds.)
- stop (set the number of which the milestone will stop at)
- caption
- caption (enter a short caption for your milestone)
- font_size (set the font size of the milestone animated text)
- style (accepts a value of "1" or "2". Entering a value of "2" will apply a background container to your milestone)
[countdown date="2014/08/25" /]
Accepted parameters:
- date (accepts a date value in the following format: 2014/08/25)
[quoteBox author_name="Jane Tolman" author_title="Visual Designer, Academix Systems" avatar="" text_color="#333354" name_color="#295D84"][/quoteBox]
Accepted parameters:
- author_name (enter the name of the author)
- author_title (enter the title of the author)
- avatar (accepts an absolute URL path to an image)
- text_color (accepts a hex value #343434)
- name_color (accepts a hex value #343434)
[pricingTable title="Advanced" icon="typcn typcn-vendor-android" price="$49.99" subscript="/yearly" button_text="Buy Now" button_link="" header_color="#2B5D82" price_color="#DBC164"][/pricingTable]
Accepted parameters:
- title (set the title of the table)
- icon (accepts a Typicon value)
- price (set the price for your pricing table)
- subscript (set the subscript for your pricing model. Ex. /yearly, /mo, /day)
- button_text (enter a value for the purchase button such as "Purchase Now")
- button_link (accepts a hex value #343434)
- header_color (accepts a hex value #343434)
- price_color (accepts a hex value #343434)
[newsletterSignup mailchimp_url="" name_placeholder="Your Name" email_placeholder="Email Address" class="" /]
Accepted parameters:
- mailchimp_url (enter the public URL to your mailchimp newsletter signup page)
- name_placeholder (applies to the name text field)
- email_placeholder (applies to the email text field)
[ctaBox2 divider_color="#dbc164" class=""][/ctaBox2]
Accepted parameters:
- divider_color (accepts a hex value #343434)
- class (useful for applying animation effects such as "wow fadeInUp")
[statBox1 stat_image="" stat_percentage="75%" text_color="white" class="wow fadeInUp" animation_delay="1"][/statBox1]
Accepted parameters:
- stat_image (accepts an absolute URL path to an image)
- stat_percentage (enter statistic percentage)
- text_color (accepts a hex value #343434)
- class (useful for applying animation effects such as "wow fadeInUp")
- animation_delay (useful for applying a delay to animation effects. Accepts a value between 1 and 9.)
[statBox2 bg_image="" stat_number="10" stat_title="Engineers" text_color="white" class="wow fadeInUp" animation_delay="1"][/statBox2]
Accepted parameters:
- bg_image (accepts an absolute URL path to an image)
- stat_number (enter a number for your statistic)
- stat_title (enter a title for your statistic)
- text_color (accepts a hex value #343434)
- class (useful for applying animation effects such as "wow fadeInUp")
- animation_delay (useful for applying a delay to animation effects. Accepts a value between 1 and 9.)
dataTableGroup / dataTableItem
[dataTableItem title="Column Title"]
Short body content goes here
The dataTableGroup shortcode is a wrapper for the dataTableItem shortcode and it does not accept any parameters. You can place as many date table items as you prefer within the dataTableGroup shortcode.
Accepted dataTableItem parameters:
- title (enter a title for the left hand column of the data table item)
[staffProfile id="" name_color="#2C5E83" title_color="#4B4B4B" text_color="#4b4b4b" icon_color="#dad9d9" target="_blank" class="wow fadeInUp" animation_delay="1" /]
Accepted parameters:
- id (accepts a staff post id value)
- name_color (accepts a hex value #343434)
- title_color (accepts a hex value #343434)
- text_color (accepts a hex value #343434)
- icon_color (accepts a hex value #343434)
- target (accepts a value of "_self" or "_blank". This will apply to the social icons.)
- class (useful for applying animation effects such as "wow fadeInUp")
- animation_delay (useful for applying a delay to animation effects. Accepts a value between 1 and 9.)
[workshopPost post_id="" class="wow fadeInUp" /]
Accepted parameters:
- post_id (accepts a workshop post id value)
- class (useful for applying animation effects such as "wow fadeInUp")