CICS Monthly

Angel Li


Current Projects

  • Climate and Health Assessment
  • State Fact Sheets
  • GDAS
  • CICS Website Redesign

Climate and Health Assessment

  • Designed in-house (The A-Team)
  • Implemented in-house (The A-Team)
  • Recently Approved by USGCRP
  • Awaiting final content: Jan 2016
  • Coming to a browser near you: April 2016

Climate and Health Assessment

Home Page

Climate and Health Assessment

Mobile Ready

Climate and Health Assessment

Chapter Page

Climate and Health Assessment

Figure Metadata

Climate and Health Assessment

Image Metadata

State Fact Sheets

  • Created by TSU
  • A NESDIS/CICS Product
  • 50 Fact Sheets
  • ~10 Figures per Fact Sheet
  • Just Started Prototyping
  • Flickr Creative Commons Photos
  • Coming to a browser near you: April 2016

Fact Sheets

Home Page — Clickable US Map

Fact Sheet — Per State

Fact Sheet — Key Messages

Fact Sheet — Narrative

Re-Style gdas

  • Andrew Buddenberg creation
  • Uses Meteor, a JS framework
  • Just styling with CSS
  • Bare Bootstrap → NCSU Styling
  • No code changes (well, some minor ones)

Re-styling gdas

Login Page — Before

Re-styling gdas

Login Page — After

Re-styling gdas

REPORT — Before

Re-styling gdas

REPORT — After

Re-styling gdas


Re-styling gdas


Re-Design CICS Web Site

  • Current site is ancient in web years
  • NCSU branding
  • Lots of red and black
  • Probably a different CMS
  • A new logo — Jessicca Grriffinn
  • Hope to launch by May 2016


The End

Thank you.