CICS-NC: Tropical-Extratropical Interactions
Updated: 10 Jul, 2014

This is a new experimental page for tracking the interactions between tropics and extratropics.

United States Composites

Maps of 500-hPa geopotential height anomalies (contoured every 30 m) and significant 850-hPa temperature anomalies, as shown in Schreck et al. (2013).

Months RMM only RMM+MVP
JFM Week: 123 Week: 123
FMA Week: 123 Week: 123
MAM Week: 123 Week: 123
AMJ Week: 123 Week: 123
MJJ Week: 123 Week: 123
JJA Week: 123 Week: 123
JAS Week: 123 Week: 123
ASO Week: 123 Week: 123
SON Week: 123 Week: 123
OND Week: 123 Week: 123
NDJ Week: 123 Week: 123
DJF Week: 123 Week: 123

DISCLAIMER: Please note these pages present experimental analyses developed by researchers at CICS-NC and/or of interest to the CICS-NC community and their collaborators. These analyses are subject to change as our understanding of the Earth's climate system improves and/or our interests change. There is no guarantee on their future availability.