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1915 UNNAMED (1915265N18147)

IBTrACS version v04r01. Visit IBTrACS website for data access.
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Storm track - Intensity - Wind Radii - Intensity Data - Source Data - All data

Summary Information

Storm ID 1915265N18147
Start Sep 22 09Z
End Sep 26 21Z
Track status Best track data.

Storm track plot

Map of storm track

Intensity plots

No Intensity information for this storm

Radial wind information

No radial wind information for this storm

Position and Intensity Table

degrees north degrees east
WP 1915-09-22 09:00:00 TS 17.80 146.80
WP 12:00:00 TS 18.00 146.60
WP 15:00:00 TS 18.30 146.30
WP 18:00:00 TS 18.50 146.10
WP 21:00:00 TS 18.80 145.90
WP 1915-09-23 00:00:00 TS 19.10 145.70
WP 03:00:00 TS 19.40 145.50
WP 06:00:00 TS 19.70 145.30
WP 09:00:00 TS 20.00 145.00
WP 12:00:00 TS 20.30 144.70
WP 15:00:00 TS 20.60 144.40
WP 18:00:00 TS 21.00 144.00
WP 21:00:00 TS 21.30 143.70
WP 1915-09-24 00:00:00 TS 21.60 143.40
WP 03:00:00 TS 22.00 143.10
WP 06:00:00 TS 22.30 142.80
WP 09:00:00 TS 22.70 142.60
WP 12:00:00 TS 23.00 142.40
WP 15:00:00 TS 23.30 142.20
WP 18:00:00 TS 23.70 142.10
WP 21:00:00 TS 24.20 142.10
WP 1915-09-25 00:00:00 TS 25.00 142.10
WP 03:00:00 TS 25.90 142.30
WP 06:00:00 TS 26.90 142.50
WP 09:00:00 TS 27.80 142.80
WP 12:00:00 TS 28.40 143.20
WP 15:00:00 TS 29.00 143.60
WP 18:00:00 TS 29.50 144.10
WP 21:00:00 TS 30.10 144.60
WP 1915-09-26 00:00:00 TS 30.80 145.10
WP 03:00:00 TS 31.60 145.60
WP 06:00:00 TS 32.40 146.10
WP 09:00:00 TS 33.10 146.70
WP 12:00:00 TS 33.80 147.30
WP 15:00:00 TS 34.40 148.00
WP 18:00:00 TS 35.00 148.60
WP 21:00:00 TS 35.60 149.30

Source Information

Agency Information
TD9636 cons_worldwide_trop_cyclone_18710101-19891231-003:Line=5155

All available IBTrACS Data

Year degrees north degrees east km km 1 degrees north degrees east kts degrees
1915 WP MM 1915-09-22 09:00:00 TS 17.80 146.80 2028 2000 ___________O___ -5 17.80 146.80 2 7 315
1915 WP MM 12:00:00 TS 18.00 146.60 2000 1961 ___________P___ -5 18.00 146.60 2 7 320
1915 WP MM 15:00:00 TS 18.30 146.30 1958 1930 ___________P___ -5 18.30 146.30 2 7 320
1915 WP MM 18:00:00 TS 18.50 146.10 1930 1892 ___________P___ -5 18.50 146.10 2 7 320
1915 WP MM 21:00:00 TS 18.80 145.90 1892 1854 ___________O___ -5 18.80 145.90 2 7 325
1915 WP MM 1915-09-23 00:00:00 TS 19.10 145.70 1854 1816 ___________P___ -5 19.10 145.70 2 7 325
1915 WP MM 03:00:00 TS 19.40 145.50 1816 1778 ___________P___ -5 19.40 145.50 2 7 325
1915 WP MM 06:00:00 TS 19.70 145.30 1778 1737 ___________P___ -5 19.70 145.30 2 8 325
1915 WP MM 09:00:00 TS 20.00 145.00 1737 1696 ___________O___ -5 20.00 145.00 2 8 320
1915 WP MM 12:00:00 TS 20.30 144.70 1696 1656 ___________P___ -5 20.30 144.70 2 9 315
1915 WP MM 15:00:00 TS 20.60 144.40 1656 1612 ___________P___ -5 20.60 144.40 2 9 315
1915 WP MM 18:00:00 TS 21.00 144.00 1601 1558 ___________P___ -5 21.00 144.00 2 9 315
1915 WP MM 21:00:00 TS 21.30 143.70 1558 1514 ___________O___ -5 21.30 143.70 2 9 320
1915 WP MM 1915-09-24 00:00:00 TS 21.60 143.40 1514 1460 ___________P___ -5 21.60 143.40 2 9 320
1915 WP MM 03:00:00 TS 22.00 143.10 1460 1416 ___________P___ -5 22.00 143.10 2 9 325
1915 WP MM 06:00:00 TS 22.30 142.80 1416 1367 ___________P___ -5 22.30 142.80 2 9 330
1915 WP MM 09:00:00 TS 22.70 142.60 1367 1327 ___________O___ -5 22.70 142.60 2 8 330
1915 WP MM 12:00:00 TS 23.00 142.40 1327 1288 ___________P___ -5 23.00 142.40 2 7 330
1915 WP MM 15:00:00 TS 23.30 142.20 1288 1254 ___________P___ -5 23.30 142.20 2 7 340
1915 WP MM 18:00:00 TS 23.70 142.10 1244 1195 ___________P___ -5 23.70 142.10 2 9 355
1915 WP MM 21:00:00 TS 24.20 142.10 1195 1117 ___________O___ -5 24.20 142.10 2 13 0
1915 WP MM 1915-09-25 00:00:00 TS 25.00 142.10 1117 1027 ___________P___ -5 25.00 142.10 2 18 5
1915 WP MM 03:00:00 TS 25.90 142.30 1027 926 ___________P___ -5 25.90 142.30 2 19 10
1915 WP MM 06:00:00 TS 26.90 142.50 926 838 ___________P___ -5 26.90 142.50 2 19 15
1915 WP MM 09:00:00 TS 27.80 142.80 838 785 ___________O___ -5 27.80 142.80 2 16 20
1915 WP MM 12:00:00 TS 28.40 143.20 789 744 ___________P___ -5 28.40 143.20 2 14 30
1915 WP MM 15:00:00 TS 29.00 143.60 744 714 ___________P___ -5 29.00 143.60 2 14 35
1915 WP MM 18:00:00 TS 29.50 144.10 719 690 ___________P___ -5 29.50 144.10 2 14 40
1915 WP MM 21:00:00 TS 30.10 144.60 690 657 ___________O___ -5 30.10 144.60 2 16 35
1915 WP MM 1915-09-26 00:00:00 TS 30.80 145.10 657 627 ___________P___ -5 30.80 145.10 2 17 30
1915 WP MM 03:00:00 TS 31.60 145.60 626 610 ___________P___ -5 31.60 145.60 2 18 30
1915 WP MM 06:00:00 TS 32.40 146.10 603 597 ___________P___ -5 32.40 146.10 2 18 30
1915 WP MM 09:00:00 TS 33.10 146.70 604 602 ___________O___ -5 33.10 146.70 2 17 35
1915 WP MM 12:00:00 TS 33.80 147.30 620 620 ___________P___ -5 33.80 147.30 2 17 40
1915 WP MM 15:00:00 TS 34.40 148.00 660 658 ___________P___ -5 34.40 148.00 2 16 40
1915 WP MM 18:00:00 TS 35.00 148.60 700 700 ___________P___ -5 35.00 148.60 2 16 45
1915 WP MM 21:00:00 TS 35.60 149.30 753 ___________O___ -5 35.60 149.30 2 16 45