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1935 UNNAMED (1935276N14150)

IBTrACS version v04r01. Visit IBTrACS website for data access.
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Storm track - Intensity - Wind Radii - Intensity Data - Source Data - All data

Summary Information

Storm ID 1935276N14150
Start Oct 2 21Z
End Oct 7 21Z
Track status Best track data.

Storm track plot

Map of storm track

Intensity plots

No Intensity information for this storm

Radial wind information

No radial wind information for this storm

Position and Intensity Table

days since 1858-11-17 00:00:00 degrees north
WP 1935-10-02 21:00:00 TS 13.90 149.80
WP 1935-10-03 00:00:00 TS 14.10 149.40
WP 03:00:00 TS 14.40 149.00
WP 06:00:00 TS 14.70 148.70
WP 09:00:00 TS 15.20 148.40
WP 12:00:00 TS 15.80 148.20
WP 15:00:00 TS 16.50 148.00
WP 18:00:00 TS 17.30 147.80
WP 21:00:00 TS 17.90 147.60
WP 1935-10-04 00:00:00 TS 18.30 147.40
WP 03:00:00 TS 18.60 147.20
WP 06:00:00 TS 18.90 147.00
WP 09:00:00 TS 19.20 146.80
WP 12:00:00 TS 19.60 146.70
WP 15:00:00 TS 20.00 146.60
WP 18:00:00 TS 20.40 146.40
WP 21:00:00 TS 20.80 146.30
WP 1935-10-05 00:00:00 TS 21.20 146.10
WP 03:00:00 TS 21.60 145.90
WP 06:00:00 TS 22.00 145.70
WP 09:00:00 TS 22.50 145.40
WP 12:00:00 TS 23.00 145.00
WP 15:00:00 TS 23.60 144.50
WP 18:00:00 TS 24.10 144.10
WP 21:00:00 TS 24.60 143.80
WP 1935-10-06 00:00:00 TS 24.90 143.70
WP 03:00:00 TS 25.20 143.60
WP 06:00:00 TS 25.60 143.80
WP 09:00:00 TS 26.20 144.00
WP 12:00:00 TS 27.30 144.40
WP 15:00:00 TS 28.60 144.90
WP 18:00:00 TS 30.00 145.40
WP 21:00:00 TS 31.50 146.00
WP 1935-10-07 00:00:00 TS 32.70 146.20
WP 03:00:00 TS 33.90 146.40
WP 06:00:00 TS 35.20 146.90
WP 09:00:00 TS 36.80 148.00
WP 12:00:00 TS 38.70 149.90
WP 15:00:00 TS 40.90 152.70
WP 18:00:00 TS 43.20 156.10
WP 21:00:00 TS 45.40 160.00

Source Information

Agency Information
TD9636 cons_worldwide_trop_cyclone_18710101-19891231-003:Line=10202

All available IBTrACS Data

Year days since 1858-11-17 00:00:00 degrees north km km mb 1 kts mb degrees north degrees east
1935 WP MM 1935-10-02 21:00:00 TS 13.90 149.80 1811 1810 ___________O___ -5 13.90 149.80 2 9 300
1935 WP MM 1935-10-03 00:00:00 TS 14.10 149.40 1828 1828 ___________P___ -5 14.10 149.40 2 9 305
1935 WP MM 03:00:00 TS 14.40 149.00 1856 1856 ___________P___ -5 14.40 149.00 2 9 310
1935 WP MM 06:00:00 TS 14.70 148.70 1887 1887 ___________P___ -5 14.70 148.70 2 10 325
1935 WP MM 09:00:00 TS 15.20 148.40 1941 1941 ___________O___ -5 15.20 148.40 4 12 335
1935 WP MM 12:00:00 TS 15.80 148.20 2007 2007 ___________P___ -5 15.80 148.20 4 14 340
1935 WP MM 15:00:00 TS 16.50 148.00 2084 2084 ___________P___ -5 16.50 148.00 4 15 345
1935 WP MM 18:00:00 TS 17.30 147.80 2115 2045 ___________P___ -5 17.30 147.80 4 14 345
1935 WP MM 21:00:00 TS 17.90 147.60 2045 1996 ___________O___ -5 17.90 147.60 4 11 340
1935 WP MM 1935-10-04 00:00:00 TS 18.30 147.40 1996 1957 ___________P___ -5 18.30 147.40 4 8 330
1935 WP MM 03:00:00 TS 18.60 147.20 1957 1918 ___________P___ -5 18.60 147.20 4 7 325
1935 WP MM 06:00:00 TS 18.90 147.00 1918 1879 ___________P___ -5 18.90 147.00 4 7 330
1935 WP MM 09:00:00 TS 19.20 146.80 1879 1834 ___________O___ -5 19.20 146.80 4 7 335
1935 WP MM 12:00:00 TS 19.60 146.70 1834 1799 ___________P___ -5 19.60 146.70 4 8 345
1935 WP MM 15:00:00 TS 20.00 146.60 1788 1739 ___________P___ -5 20.00 146.60 4 8 345
1935 WP MM 18:00:00 TS 20.40 146.40 1739 1693 ___________P___ -5 20.40 146.40 4 9 345
1935 WP MM 21:00:00 TS 20.80 146.30 1693 1644 ___________O___ -5 20.80 146.30 4 9 340
1935 WP MM 1935-10-05 00:00:00 TS 21.20 146.10 1644 1595 ___________P___ -5 21.20 146.10 4 9 335
1935 WP MM 03:00:00 TS 21.60 145.90 1595 1546 ___________P___ -5 21.60 145.90 4 9 335
1935 WP MM 06:00:00 TS 22.00 145.70 1546 1483 ___________P___ -5 22.00 145.70 4 10 330
1935 WP MM 09:00:00 TS 22.50 145.40 1483 1417 ___________O___ -5 22.50 145.40 4 12 325
1935 WP MM 12:00:00 TS 23.00 145.00 1417 1347 ___________P___ -5 23.00 145.00 4 13 325
1935 WP MM 15:00:00 TS 23.60 144.50 1337 1271 ___________P___ -5 23.60 144.50 4 14 325
1935 WP MM 18:00:00 TS 24.10 144.10 1271 1209 ___________P___ -5 24.10 144.10 4 12 330
1935 WP MM 21:00:00 TS 24.60 143.80 1209 1174 ___________O___ -5 24.60 143.80 4 9 330
1935 WP MM 1935-10-06 00:00:00 TS 24.90 143.70 1174 1149 ___________P___ -5 24.90 143.70 4 6 345
1935 WP MM 03:00:00 TS 25.20 143.60 1139 1110 ___________P___ -5 25.20 143.60 4 7 10
1935 WP MM 06:00:00 TS 25.60 143.80 1102 1046 ___________P___ -5 25.60 143.80 4 11 15
1935 WP MM 09:00:00 TS 26.20 144.00 1046 955 ___________O___ -5 26.20 144.00 4 18 20
1935 WP MM 12:00:00 TS 27.30 144.40 949 850 ___________P___ -5 27.30 144.40 4 25 20
1935 WP MM 15:00:00 TS 28.60 144.90 846 753 ___________P___ -5 28.60 144.90 4 29 20
1935 WP MM 18:00:00 TS 30.00 145.40 744 670 ___________P___ -5 30.00 145.40 4 31 20
1935 WP MM 21:00:00 TS 31.50 146.00 662 596 ___________O___ -5 31.50 146.00 4 27 15
1935 WP MM 1935-10-07 00:00:00 TS 32.70 146.20 590 540 ___________P___ -5 32.70 146.20 4 24 10
1935 WP MM 03:00:00 TS 33.90 146.40 539 528 ___________P___ -5 33.90 146.40 4 26 15
1935 WP MM 06:00:00 TS 35.20 146.90 545 543 ___________P___ -5 35.20 146.90 4 32 25
1935 WP MM 09:00:00 TS 36.80 148.00 595 595 ___________O___ -5 36.80 148.00 4 43 35
1935 WP MM 12:00:00 TS 38.70 149.90 621 579 ___________P___ -5 38.70 149.90 4 55 40
1935 WP MM 15:00:00 TS 40.90 152.70 575 537 ___________P___ -5 40.90 152.70 4 64 45
1935 WP MM 18:00:00 TS 43.20 156.10 552 552 ___________P___ -5 43.20 156.10 4 70 50
1935 WP MM 21:00:00 TS 45.40 160.00 613 ___________O___ -5 45.40 160.00 4 71 50