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1936 UNNAMED (1936323N10152)

IBTrACS version v04r01. Visit IBTrACS website for data access.
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Storm track - Intensity - Wind Radii - Intensity Data - Source Data - All data

Summary Information

Storm ID 1936323N10152
Start Nov 18 09Z
End Nov 23 09Z
Track status Best track data.

Storm track plot

Map of storm track

Intensity plots

No Intensity information for this storm

Radial wind information

No radial wind information for this storm

Position and Intensity Table

days since 1858-11-17 00:00:00 degrees north
WP 1936-11-18 09:00:00 TS 10.40 151.60
WP 12:00:00 TS 11.30 151.10
WP 15:00:00 TS 12.20 150.60
WP 18:00:00 TS 13.00 150.10
WP 21:00:00 TS 13.70 149.70
WP 1936-11-19 00:00:00 TS 14.20 149.30
WP 03:00:00 TS 14.50 149.00
WP 06:00:00 TS 14.80 148.60
WP 09:00:00 TS 15.10 148.00
WP 12:00:00 TS 15.50 147.10
WP 15:00:00 TS 16.00 146.10
WP 18:00:00 TS 16.40 145.00
WP 21:00:00 TS 16.70 144.10
WP 1936-11-20 00:00:00 TS 16.90 143.50
WP 03:00:00 TS 17.00 143.00
WP 06:00:00 TS 17.10 142.60
WP 09:00:00 TS 17.20 142.10
WP 12:00:00 TS 17.30 141.40
WP 15:00:00 TS 17.40 140.70
WP 18:00:00 TS 17.70 140.10
WP 21:00:00 TS 18.00 139.60
WP 1936-11-21 00:00:00 TS 18.40 139.30
WP 03:00:00 TS 19.00 139.30
WP 06:00:00 TS 19.70 139.30
WP 09:00:00 TS 20.60 139.40
WP 12:00:00 TS 21.70 139.40
WP 15:00:00 TS 23.00 139.50
WP 18:00:00 TS 24.30 139.70
WP 21:00:00 TS 25.70 140.10
WP 1936-11-22 00:00:00 TS 26.80 140.60
WP 03:00:00 TS 27.90 141.30
WP 06:00:00 TS 29.10 142.30
WP 09:00:00 TS 30.50 143.60
WP 12:00:00 TS 32.30 145.40
WP 15:00:00 TS 34.30 147.40
WP 18:00:00 TS 36.20 149.60
WP 21:00:00 TS 38.00 151.70
WP 1936-11-23 00:00:00 TS 39.40 153.40
WP 03:00:00 TS 40.60 154.80
WP 06:00:00 TS 41.70 155.90
WP 09:00:00 TS 42.60 157.00

Source Information

Agency Information
TD9636 cons_worldwide_trop_cyclone_18710101-19891231-003:Line=10585

All available IBTrACS Data

Year days since 1858-11-17 00:00:00 degrees north km km mb 1 kts mb degrees north degrees east
1936 WP MM 1936-11-18 09:00:00 TS 10.40 151.60 1469 1469 ___________O___ -5 10.40 151.60 4 22 330
1936 WP MM 12:00:00 TS 11.30 151.10 1556 1556 ___________P___ -5 11.30 151.10 4 21 330
1936 WP MM 15:00:00 TS 12.20 150.60 1640 1640 ___________P___ -5 12.20 150.60 4 20 330
1936 WP MM 18:00:00 TS 13.00 150.10 1717 1717 ___________P___ -5 13.00 150.10 4 17 330
1936 WP MM 21:00:00 TS 13.70 149.70 1788 1788 ___________O___ -5 13.70 149.70 4 14 325
1936 WP MM 1936-11-19 00:00:00 TS 14.20 149.30 1838 1838 ___________P___ -5 14.20 149.30 4 11 320
1936 WP MM 03:00:00 TS 14.50 149.00 1868 1868 ___________P___ -5 14.50 149.00 4 10 310
1936 WP MM 06:00:00 TS 14.80 148.60 1897 1897 ___________P___ -5 14.80 148.60 4 11 300
1936 WP MM 09:00:00 TS 15.10 148.00 1927 1927 ___________O___ -5 15.10 148.00 4 16 295
1936 WP MM 12:00:00 TS 15.50 147.10 1971 1971 ___________P___ -5 15.50 147.10 4 21 295
1936 WP MM 15:00:00 TS 16.00 146.10 2028 2028 ___________P___ -5 16.00 146.10 4 22 295
1936 WP MM 18:00:00 TS 16.40 145.00 2079 2042 ___________P___ -5 16.40 145.00 4 20 290
1936 WP MM 21:00:00 TS 16.70 144.10 2042 1997 ___________O___ -5 16.70 144.10 4 16 290
1936 WP MM 1936-11-20 00:00:00 TS 16.90 143.50 1997 1957 ___________P___ -5 16.90 143.50 4 11 285
1936 WP MM 03:00:00 TS 17.00 143.00 1957 1919 ___________P___ -5 17.00 143.00 4 9 285
1936 WP MM 06:00:00 TS 17.10 142.60 1919 1870 ___________P___ -5 17.10 142.60 4 9 285
1936 WP MM 09:00:00 TS 17.20 142.10 1870 1812 ___________O___ -5 17.20 142.10 4 11 280
1936 WP MM 12:00:00 TS 17.30 141.40 1802 1744 ___________P___ -5 17.30 141.40 4 13 280
1936 WP MM 15:00:00 TS 17.40 140.70 1734 1681 ___________P___ -5 17.40 140.70 4 13 285
1936 WP MM 18:00:00 TS 17.70 140.10 1684 1646 ___________P___ -5 17.70 140.10 4 12 300
1936 WP MM 21:00:00 TS 18.00 139.60 1646 1635 ___________O___ -5 18.00 139.60 4 10 315
1936 WP MM 1936-11-21 00:00:00 TS 18.40 139.30 1634 1604 ___________P___ -5 18.40 139.30 4 10 340
1936 WP MM 03:00:00 TS 19.00 139.30 1594 1526 ___________P___ -5 19.00 139.30 4 13 360
1936 WP MM 06:00:00 TS 19.70 139.30 1526 1455 ___________P___ -5 19.70 139.30 4 16 5
1936 WP MM 09:00:00 TS 20.60 139.40 1445 1351 ___________O___ -5 20.60 139.40 4 20 5
1936 WP MM 12:00:00 TS 21.70 139.40 1342 1226 ___________P___ -5 21.70 139.40 4 24 0
1936 WP MM 15:00:00 TS 23.00 139.50 1215 1084 ___________P___ -5 23.00 139.50 4 27 5
1936 WP MM 18:00:00 TS 24.30 139.70 1084 960 ___________P___ -5 24.30 139.70 4 28 10
1936 WP MM 21:00:00 TS 25.70 140.10 954 873 ___________O___ -5 25.70 140.10 4 26 20
1936 WP MM 1936-11-22 00:00:00 TS 26.80 140.60 868 792 ___________P___ -5 26.80 140.60 4 25 25
1936 WP MM 03:00:00 TS 27.90 141.30 784 692 ___________P___ -5 27.90 141.30 4 28 35
1936 WP MM 06:00:00 TS 29.10 142.30 685 604 ___________P___ -5 29.10 142.30 4 33 35
1936 WP MM 09:00:00 TS 30.50 143.60 600 554 ___________O___ -5 30.50 143.60 4 41 40
1936 WP MM 12:00:00 TS 32.30 145.40 561 554 ___________P___ -5 32.30 145.40 4 50 40
1936 WP MM 15:00:00 TS 34.30 147.40 610 610 ___________P___ -5 34.30 147.40 4 53 40
1936 WP MM 18:00:00 TS 36.20 149.60 752 752 ___________P___ -5 36.20 149.60 4 51 45
1936 WP MM 21:00:00 TS 38.00 151.70 778 749 ___________O___ -5 38.00 151.70 4 44 45
1936 WP MM 1936-11-23 00:00:00 TS 39.40 153.40 752 687 ___________P___ -5 39.40 153.40 4 35 40
1936 WP MM 03:00:00 TS 40.60 154.80 692 662 ___________P___ -5 40.60 154.80 4 29 40
1936 WP MM 06:00:00 TS 41.70 155.90 654 647 ___________P___ -5 41.70 155.90 4 26 40
1936 WP MM 09:00:00 TS 42.60 157.00 651 ___________O___ -5 42.60 157.00 4 25 40