Simulated Decadal Mean Change in Annual Temperature: Contiguous U.S.; Model Distributions for CMIP3

Simulated Decadal Mean Change in Annual Temperature: Contiguous U.S.; Model Distributions for CMIP3

Model distributions of simulated decadal mean change in annual temperature (°F) for the contiguous United States, for each future decadal time period (represented by their approximate midpoints, e.g., 2015 = 2011–2020), with respect to the reference period of 2001–2010. The left panels show values for the CMIP3 SRES B1 (blue), A1B (green), and A2 (red) scenarios. The right panels show values for the CMIP5 RCP2.6 (light teal), 4.5 (dark teal), 6.0 (yellow), and 8.5 (dark red) scenarios. Each individual model is represented by a plus sign (+), with circles depicting the multi-model means. These symbols are shown in color if the value is statistically significant at the 95% confidence level. Dashed lines indicate the 10th and 90th percentiles of observed temperature anomaly values from 1981–2010.

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