The 2020 edition of the Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) will be a different experience for everyone, as the event will be held online rather than in person due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While the online format presents challenges and limitations, it also greatly expands the potential audience. We invite AGU attendees to check out the many sessions, presentations, posters, and eLightning posters involving NCICS staff listed below.
Pre-recorded oral presentations and posters are available for viewing on demand. The oral presentation and eLightning poster sessions include brief live Q&A sessions at the times listed below (all times EST). Use the links below to access a session. You can browse the full AGU program at https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm20/webprogram/meeting.html. Our colleagues at the National Centers for Environmental Information also have a web story with a listing of all NCEI-associated sessions, which includes all of the sessions involving NCICS staff.
Monday, December 7
Filling in Spatio-Temporal Gaps in the GOES-R Land Surface Temperature Product
Poster, All Day
Anand Inamdar and Ronald Leeper -
Comparisons of In Situ Ground Observations and Satellite Measurements of Soil Moisture Standardized Using a Consistent Method
Presentation, 7:08–7:12 AM
Ronald Leeper
Tuesday, December 8
More Weather or More Water: What is Driving Increases in Extreme Precipitation?
Poster, All Day
Laura Stevens, Scott Stevens, Kenneth Kunkel - Towards Developing Community Guidelines for Sharing and Reuse of Digital Data Quality Information
Presentation, 11:42–11:46 PM
Ge Peng, Sarah Champion
Thursday, December 10
Survey of Programs Related to Climate Science Fields at America’s HBCUs
Presentation 10:16–10:20 AM
Linda Copley, Tom Maycock
Friday, December 11
Environmental, Socioeconomic, and Climatic Changes in Northern Eurasia II
Poster Session, All Day
Pavel Groisman -
Long-term Changes of Streamflow and Heat Transport of two Largest Arctic Rivers of European Russia, Severnaya Dvina and Pechora
Poster, All Day
Pavel Groisman -
Qualitative Basis for Adaptation of Siberia to Climate Change Impact
Poster, All Day
Pavel Groisman -
Environmental, Socioeconomic, and Climatic Changes in Northern Eurasia I
Session, 1:30–2:30 PM
Pavel Groisman -
Looking Forward to 30 Years since the Disintegration of
the USSR: Environmental and Socio-Economic Consequences of Fundamental Institutional Change amidst Changing Climates (Invited)
Presentation, 1:46–1:50 PM
Pavel Groisman -
Accessibility Considerations in Climate Communication: Efforts and Lessons Learned from the Fourth National Climate Assessment
eLightning Poster, 7:01–7:04 PM
Laura Stevens, Katharine Johnson, Tom Maycock, Jessicca (Griffin) Allen, Andrea McCarrick, Brooke Stewart
Monday, December 14
Incorporating Climate Change into Intensity-Duration-Frequency Value for the United States
Presentation, 7:04–7:08 AM
Kenneth Kunkel, Liqiang Sun, Jim Biard (formerly of NCICS), Scott Stevens, Laura Stevens, Sarah Champion -
Advances in NCEI’s U.S. Hourly Precipitation Dataset for
Assessing Extremes in Urban Areas
Presentation, 1:16–1:20 PM
Scott Stevens, Ronald Leeper
Tuesday, December 15
Confronting Microphysical Uncertainty with BOSS
Poster, All Day
Olivier Prat -
An Assessment of a Gridded Gauge-Based Precipitation Estimates (nClimGrid) with National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Stage IV Radar-Based Precipitation Estimates
Presentation, 10:28–10:32 AM
Olivier Prat
Wednesday, December 16
Evaluation of Cold-Season Precipitation Estimates Derived
from Gridded Daily Satellite Precipitation Products
Poster, All Day
Olivier Prat, Ronald Leeper -
How Does the MJO Affect Extreme Rainfall Around the
Presentation, 7:10–7:14 AM
Carl Schreck -
NOAA Big Data Program—Transforming Access to NOAA Data
Presentation, 2:51–2:54 PM
Jenny Dissen, Otis Brown, Jonathan Brannock
Thursday, December 17
Quality Climate Data for All: How the National Climate Assessment Connects Users to Actionable Climate Information
eLightning Poster, 7:06–7:09 AM
Sarah Champion -
Towards a Strategy on Ocean Data and Information Stewardship for the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
Presentation, 7:33–7:36 AM
Ge Peng -
Moving Beyond the Standard: A Transdisciplinary Virtual Event for Early-Career Scientists
Session, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Yuhan Douglas Rao -
An Honest Conversation about Failure
Session, 11:10 AM–12:10 PM
Yuhan Douglas Rao -
Creating and Sustaining Just, Equitable, Diverse, and Inclusive Spaces as an Early Career Researcher
Session, 2:55–3:55 PM
Yuhan Douglas Rao