Many of us at NCICS look forward to kicking off each new year by participating in the Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society (AMS). Although we won’t be gathering in person this year, 2021’s virtual AMS meeting still offers a unique opportunity to interact and share outcomes of research and engagement activities with colleagues from the climate and weather community.
One advantage to this year’s virtual environment is that many presentations will be recorded in advance and available for on-demand viewing, eliminating the problem of making tough choices between sessions of interest. The pre-recorded presentations will be supplemented by scheduled live question-and-answer sessions as well as some live presentations, including an invited Core Science Keynote presentation by Ken Kunkel entitled Extreme Precipitation: The Merging Streams of Meteorology, Climatology, and Hydrology at 4:10pm EST on Thursday, January 14.
NCICS staff are presenters, co-authors, or co-chairs on more than two dozen events this year. See below for the complete schedule of activities. See https://annual.ametsoc.org/index.cfm/2021/ for more details on this year’s event.
Monday, January 11
- Session 1A 35th Conference on Hydrology – Extreme Precipitation. Part I
10:00–11:00 AM
Kenneth Kunkel, Co-chair - Session 2A 35th Conference on Hydrology – Extreme Precipitation. Part II; Understanding the Soil Moisture Spectrum: From Data Collection to Actionable Applications. Part I
1:00–2:00 PM
Kenneth Kunkel, Co-chair - Extreme Precipitation Event Frequency Observed by the U.S. Climate Reference Network (USCRN)
1:15–1:20 PM
Emma Scott, Lead author/Presenter; Ronald Leeper, Co-author - Joint 2.3 – Social Vulnerability to Climate and Hurricane-Related Hazards in Puerto Rico
1:20–1:25 PM
Jared Rennie and Scott Stevens, Co-authors - Joint 2.7 – Verifying the Nationwide Wet-Bulb Globe Temperature
1:40–1:45 PM
Jared Rennie, Co-author - Joint 2.8 – Using Wet-Bulb Globe Temperature Estimations from the U.S. Climate Reference Network to Generate Standardized Anomalies and Evaluate Extreme Heat Events
1:45–1:50 PM
Jared Rennie, Lead author/Presenter - Operational Near-real Time Drought Monitoring Using Global Satellite Precipitation Estimates
2:00–3:30 PM
Olivier Prat, Lead author/Presenter; Ronald Leeper, Co-author - Visualizing Drought Indices Using Remotely Sensed Near-Real Time Monitoring
2:00–3:30 PM
Olivier Prat and Ronald Leeper, Co-authors - Exploring the Use of Standardized Soil Moisture as a Drought Indicator
2:00–3:30 PM
Ronald Leeper, Author/Presenter - Poster 1B 35th Conference on Hydrology – 35HYDRO Mon – Extreme Precipitation
2:00–3:30 PM
Kenneth Kunkel, Co-chair
Tuesday, January 12
- Ocean Surface Datasets and Services at NOAA NCEI
2:00–3:30 PM
Garrett Graham, Co-author - Colocation-Based Calibration of High-Resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder (HIRS) Brightness Temperatures
2:00–3:30 PM
Emma Scott, Lead author/Presenter - Reducing Artifacts in ISCCP Cloud Fraction
4:10–4:15 PM
Anand Inamdar, Co-author - The International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) Status at NCEI
4:15–4:20 PM
Anand Inamdar, Co-author
Wednesday, January 13
- Session 8 Ninth Symposium on the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise – Enhancing the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise through Partnerships
1:00–2:00 PM
Jenny Dissen, Co-chair - Innovating NCEI Customer Engagement Approaches
1:20–1:25 PM
Jenny Dissen, Co-author - Making Climate Change Assessments Accessible
1:20–1:25 PM
Tom Maycock, Lead author/Presenter; Laura Stevens, Katharine Johnson, Andrea McCarrick, Jessicca Allen, Brooke Stewart, Co-authors - Panel Discussion 9 Ninth Symposium on the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise – Pursuing Professional Partnerships to Support Decision-Making
3:30–4:30 PM
Jenny Dissen, Co-chair
Thursday, January 14
- Session 11 16th Symposium on Societal Applications: Policy, Research and Practice – Economics of the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise 2021; An Inquiry on Sector-Based Approaches to Climate Information Services
1:00–2:00 PM
Jenny Dissen, Co-chair - The Value of Environmental Data from NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information
1:45–1:50 PM
Jenny Dissen, Co-author - Keynote 12.i.1 – Extreme Precipitation: The Merging Streams of Meteorology, Climatology, and Hydrology (Invited Presentation) (Core Science Keynote)
4:10–4:25 PM
Kenneth Kunkel, Author/Presenter - Joint 12.3 – How Does the MJO Affect Extreme Rainfall Around the Tropics?
4:30–4:35 PM
Carl Schreck, Lead author/Presenter
Friday, January 15
- Joint 13 Fourth Special Symposium on Tropical Meteorology and Tropical Cyclones – Tropical Waves, Dynamics, and Intraseasonal Variability
10:00–11:00 AM
Carl Schreck, Co-chair - Dynamical Downscaling Projections of Landfalling Tropical Cyclone Activity Over the United States: CMIP5/RCP4.5 Scenarios
1:25–1:30 PM
Liqiang Sun, Lead author/Presenter; Kenneth Kunkel, Co-author - Surface Pressure: A More Skillful Predictor of Normalized Hurricane Damage than Maximum Sustained Wind
1:40–1:45 PM
Carl Schreck, Co-author - Cultivation, Management and Value of Interagency Indicators
2:00–3:30 PM
Laura Stevens, Lead author/Presenter - The Crosswind Doth Blow
2:00–3:30 PM
Scott Stevens, Lead author/Presenter