Other Grants

In addition to support from NOAA, NCICS receives funding from other federal and non-federal organizations, including NASA, the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes for Health, the US Air Force, and RTI International.

The following are examples of current or recent NCICS projects:

  • NCICS scientists are working with the US Air Force’s 14th Weather Squadron to help them understand how climate change may affect future operations at locations around the world. NCICS scientists are providing climate change expertise and data, including projections of changes in averages and extreme events based on downscaled climate model outputs.
  • Multiple National Science Foundation projects funded recent research on the impacts of rapid climate and environmental changes in the Arctic on infrastructure and pan-Arctic and regional population dynamics and the Belmont Forum collaborative research program on Coastal OceAn SusTainability in Changing Climate (COAST) focusing on the sustainability of the coastal ocean under the impacts of ongoing and projected climate variability and change.
  • With funding from RTI International, NCICS scientists are working on the scientific foundations for NOAA’s forthcoming Atlas 15, Volume 2, which will incorporate projections of the effects on climate change into NOAA’s updated National Precipitation Frequency Standard.
  • An NIH-funded project aims to address the critical intersection of climate change and public health in rural Southern Appalachia, where climatic changes are intensifying health risks and exacerbating existing disparities. Key tasks including integrating information on climate change impacts into regional health assessment frameworks, collaborating with regional hospitals and public health departments to identify local priorities, and co-designing training for health professionals and public health messaging on climate and health impacts.

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