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May 19, 2016

Expertise: Climate Science

Climate Science Climate Dynamics Climate Drivers Atmospheric Science Meteorology Extremes Scenarios and Projections Climate Change Model Downscaling National and Regional-Scale Projections State-by-state Projections Derived Variables…→

May 19, 2016

Expertise: Observing Systems

In Situ Observations Quality Assurance Algorithm Development Data Validation Global Temperature Datasets Soil Moisture and Drought U.S. Climate Reference Network Remote Sensing Calibration and Validation…→

May 19, 2016

Expertise: Science Communications

Communications Science Writing and Editing Translating Science for General Audiences Public Engagement Social Media Copyediting Graphic Design Graphic Design Page Layout Visual Communications Scientific Figures…→

May 19, 2016

Expertise: Environmental Data Analytics

Data Management Storage Area Networks Data Validation Quality Assurance Relational and Graph Databases Big Data High Performance Computing Virtualization Cloud Computing High-speed Data Transfer Environmental…→

May 19, 2016

Expertise: Outreach and Engagement

Outreach K–12 Education Community Events Science Communication Environmental Literacy Climate Change Impacts Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Learn more… Engagement Corporate Engagement Trade Associations Seminars…→

May 19, 2016

Expertise: Support Services

Project Management Programs and Projects Budgets and Finance Interfacing Public, Private, and Academic Activities Collaborative Research Innovative Partnerships Research Proposals Grant Administration Workforce Development Postdoctoral…→

May 19, 2016

Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites – North Carolina (CICS-NC)

From 2009–2020, NCICS hosted the North Carolina location of the NOAA Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites (CICS-NC) focused on satellite an in situ climate…→

May 19, 2016

National Climate Assessment Technical Support Unit

NOAA’s Assessment Technical Support Unit (TSU) provides a broad range of scientific and technical support for the legally mandated National Climate Assessment (NCA) process under…→

May 19, 2016

Other Grants

In addition to support from NOAA, NCICS receives funding from other federal and non-federal organizations, including NASA, the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes for…→