Category: Portfolio: Climate Assessments

Jessicca Allen

Digital Graphics, National Climate Assessment

Jessicca Allen (formerly Griffin) joined NCICS as an Assessment Graphic Designer in September 2012. Building on more than twelve years of management experience, including digital…

Carl Schreck

Tropical climate variability

Dr. Carl Schreck is a senior research scholar with the North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies at North Carolina State University. His research identifies the…

Laura Stevens

National Climate Assessment science support

Laura Stevens provides primary scientific and technical expertise for NOAA and the National Climate Assessment (NCA). This includes the development of climate data analysis products,…

Kenneth Kunkel

National Climate Assessment, Climate Extremes Research

Dr. Kenneth Kunkel joined NCICS as a Senior Scientist and Lead Scientist for Assessments, and the Department of Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at North…

May 19, 2016

Expertise: Support Services

Project Management Programs and Projects Budgets and Finance Interfacing Public, Private, and Academic Activities Collaborative Research Innovative Partnerships Research Proposals Grant Administration Workforce Development Postdoctoral…