Category: Expertise

Jul 13, 2016

Climate and Health

On April 4, 2016, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy released a report titled The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health…

Jul 8, 2016

TR144 Data

Data from NOAA Technical Report NESDIS 144 The following figures were created by the National Climate Assessment (NCA) Technical Support Unit (TSU) for the NOAA Technical…

Jul 8, 2016

NCA3 Data

Data from the Third National Climate Assessment The following figures were created by the National Climate Assessment (NCA) Technical Support Unit (TSU) for the third NCA…

Jun 20, 2016

Measure Locally, Respond Globally—A Conference for Journalists

Journalists covering the environment, science, data analytics, and related fields are invited to attend “Measure Locally, Respond Globally,” a two-day conference taking place on August…

Jun 14, 2016

Trends and Extremes in Northern Hemisphere Snow Characteristics

A new study by CICS-NCs Kenneth Kunkel, Sarah Champion, and Rebekah Frankson, along with co-authors from Rutgers University and ERT Inc., establishes the current state…

Jun 10, 2016


Experimental NCEI/Climate Data Records obs4MIPs Datasets The Observations for Model Inter-Comparison Project (obs4MIPs) is an effort to make observational data available to the climate modeling…

Jennifer Runkle

Environmental Epidemiology

Dr. Jennifer Runkle is an Environmental Epidemiologist with wide-ranging experience translating population-based science into action-based solutions for a variety of stakeholders. She is engaged in…

Scott Wilkins

HPC Cluster and SAN Operations

Mr. Scott Wilkins joined NCICS in January 2012 and serves as the NCICS High Performance Computing and Storage Manager. He is responsible for installation and…

Angel Li

National Climate Assessment online presence

Angel Li, Senior Web Developer for the Assessments Technical Support Unit, joined NCICS in December 2012. He is responsible for leading the design, programming, development,…

Tom Maycock

Climate Assessments, Science Writer and Editor, Communications

Tom Maycock joined NCICS in October 2012, where he serves as science editor, writer, and production manager with with the Assessments Technical Support Unit (TSU).…