Category: Portfolio: Monitoring Tools

Mar 13, 2017

GHCN-D Station Data

NOAA NCEI’s Global Historical Climatology Network–Daily, or GHCN-D, dataset provides daily climate records for thousands of observing stations from around the globe, including more than…

Jonathan Brannock

Jonathan Brannock joined NCICS in March 2012 and is NCICS's information technology support specialist, responsible for design and support of all information technology infrastructure associated…

Ronald Leeper

Climate Reference Network operations and analysis

Ronald D. Leeper’s primary area of interest is in hydrological processes. He is particularly focused on land-atmosphere interactions and how these relationships will evolve in…

Carl Schreck

Tropical climate variability

Dr. Carl Schreck is a senior research scholar with the North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies at North Carolina State University. His research identifies the…

Dec 18, 2015

Kelvin Waves and Tropical Cyclogenesis: A Global Survey

A new study by Carl Schreck III of the North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies and North Carolina State University provides important insights into the…