Dec 13, 2013

CICS-NC Develops An Interactive Map To Engage With NOAA Climate Data Users

The U.S. Climate Reference Network (USCRN) is a network of climate monitoring stations maintained and operated by NOAA to provide climate-science-quality measurements of air temperature…

Oct 1, 2013

Quantifying Tropical Cyclone Rainfall

Tropical cyclones (TCs) constitute one of the major natural disasters around the world as well as an important source of fresh water over areas prone…

Sep 5, 2013

Executive Forum on Business and Climate

To help U. S. businesses better adapt to the numerous challenges and opportunities resulting from a changing weather and climate, the Cooperative Institute for Climate…

Jun 18, 2013

Cyclone Center Launches New Website

Asheville, North Carolina – Working with over 4,000 citizen scientists from all over the world, the Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites – North Carolina…

Apr 19, 2013

Quantitative Precipitation Estimates for the SE US

The precipitation climatology of the Southeastern United States spans a very broad spectrum of precipitation regimes. A warm season that is characterized by isolated thunderstorms,…

Apr 19, 2013

Evaluation and Characterization of Satellite Products

With the substantial change in the Arctic sea ice and associated impacts of the change in weather and climate system, ecosystems, and coastal communities, it…

Apr 19, 2013

USCRN Precipitation Observations

The U.S. Climate Reference Network (USCRN) is a network of climate-monitoring stations maintained and operated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to provide…

Apr 16, 2013

Calibration and Validation of Geostationary Satellite Visible Imagery

Meteorological satellites operating in geostationary orbits around the Earth (Fig. 1) provide us with observations of the Earth’s surface and clouds since the early 1970’s.…

Apr 12, 2013

17-year Cicada Arrival in the Eastern United States

The Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites – North Carolina, CICS-NC, helps predict the 17-year cicadas’ arrival in a national citizen-science project led by National…

Apr 5, 2013

RADAR based High-Resolution Precipitation

The best precipitation dataset in current production in the US provides data every one to three hours, on a scale of roughly 4 km (one…