Search Results for: science projections

Vrinda Desai

Dr. Vrinda D. Desai joined NCICS as a Postdoctoral Research Scholar in December 2023. She is working on historical Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) data.…→

Feb 10, 2013

Global Land Surface Temperature

Society expects openness and transparency in climate science to have a greater understanding of the certainty regarding how climate has changed and how it will…→

Oct 12, 2016

CICS at Fall AGU 2014

CICS at Fall AGU 2014 Pa A11A-3007Long-Term Large-Scale Bias-Adjusted Precipitation Estimates at High Spatial and Temporal Resolution Derived from the National Mosaic and Multi-Sensor QPE…→

Jun 1, 2016

Portfolio: Climate and Health Assessment

On April 4, 2016, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy released a report titled The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health…→

Jun 8, 2016

Workshop on Water Resources and Drought Information in the Southwest US

NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) located in Asheville, NC is pleased to invite you to participate in a workshop discussion focused on application…→

Jun 8, 2016

Executive Forum on Business and Climate

To help U.S. businesses better adapt to the numerous challenges and opportunities resulting from a changing weather and climate, the Cooperative Institute for Climate and…→

Pooja Hari Ambrish

Pooja joined NCICS in 2023 as a Climate Data Analyst. She is currently working on developing a visualization tool that will aide in better understanding…→