Search Results for: science projections

Jun 10, 2016


Experimental NCEI/Climate Data Records obs4MIPs Datasets The Observations for Model Inter-Comparison Project (obs4MIPs) is an effort to make observational data available to the climate modeling…→

Jul 7, 2020

Quantifying the Relationship Between Extreme Precipitation and Atmospheric Water Vapor

New research quantifies the relative contributions of two key factors that drive extreme precipitation events—atmospheric water vapor and upward velocity—across the continental United States. The…→

Dec 18, 2015

Kelvin Waves and Tropical Cyclogenesis: A Global Survey

A new study by Carl Schreck III of the North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies and North Carolina State University provides important insights into the…→

Apr 10, 2015

Winter Severity and Frost Depth in a Warming Climate

In many areas of the country, proper building design and construction depend on accurate expectations of how deeply the ground will freeze in the winter.…→

Apr 11, 2019

Precipitation and Fatal Motor Vehicle Crashes

New research reveals that the overall risk of a fatal car crash increases by about 34% during precipitation events in the contiguous United States. Compared…→

Feb 9, 2015

Temperature Extremes in a Warming Climate

We know that global and national average temperatures have been increasing since around the start of the 20th century. But have there also been increases…→

Oct 30, 2014

Cyclone Center: New Paper, Website Updates

“We don’t understand all the mysteries of tropical cyclones” That’s the motivation behind the Cyclone Center project, which is soliciting help from “citizen scientists” around…→

Oct 29, 2014

The Impact of Best Track Discrepancies on Global Tropical Cyclone Climatologies using IBTrACS

Accurate, consistent, and homogenous data are critical for understanding the current climatology of tropical cyclones and identifying any trends in these storms in a changing…→

Oct 29, 2014

Trends and Variability in Severe Snowstorms East of the Rocky Mountains

Severe snowstorms can have significant impacts on human safety and economic activity. As global temperatures increase, it is important to understand how severe winter storms…→

Apr 19, 2013

Evaluation and Characterization of Satellite Products

With the substantial change in the Arctic sea ice and associated impacts of the change in weather and climate system, ecosystems, and coastal communities, it…→