Tag: Tropical Cyclones

Sep 15, 2020

Hidden Damage: The Mental Health Impacts of Hurricane Florence

New research using Crisis Text Line data shows Hurricane Florence had significant mental health impacts on young people in the Carolinas and points the way…

Dec 19, 2019

Hurricanes Harvey and Florence: Historical Context

In 2017 and 2018, the United States experienced historic rainfall totals and damaging inland floods from two slow-moving hurricanes—Harvey and Florence. In a new paper…

Nov 26, 2018

The Extremely Active 2017 North Atlantic Hurricane Season

For Immediate Release The 2017 North Atlantic hurricane season was one of the most active and destructive on record. In a paper published in the…

Sep 25, 2018

Putting Hurricane Florence into Historical Perspective

Preliminary research by NCICS’ Kenneth Kunkel indicates that Hurricane Florence was among the rainiest storms to hit the United States in the last 70 years. Based…

Nov 2, 2016

On the Link between Tropical Cyclones and Daily Rainfall Extremes Derived from Global Satellite Observations

Understanding the frequency and intensity of extreme precipitation events in relation to tropical cyclones is critical to the development of infrastructure in affected areas. Authors…

Carl Schreck

Tropical climate variability

Dr. Carl Schreck is a senior research scholar with the North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies at North Carolina State University. His research identifies the…

Dec 18, 2015

Kelvin Waves and Tropical Cyclogenesis: A Global Survey

A new study by Carl Schreck III of the North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies and North Carolina State University provides important insights into the…

Oct 30, 2014

Cyclone Center: New Paper, Website Updates

“We don’t understand all the mysteries of tropical cyclones” That’s the motivation behind the Cyclone Center project, which is soliciting help from “citizen scientists” around…

Oct 29, 2014

The Impact of Best Track Discrepancies on Global Tropical Cyclone Climatologies using IBTrACS

Accurate, consistent, and homogenous data are critical for understanding the current climatology of tropical cyclones and identifying any trends in these storms in a changing…

Oct 1, 2013

Quantifying Tropical Cyclone Rainfall

Tropical cyclones (TCs) constitute one of the major natural disasters around the world as well as an important source of fresh water over areas prone…