Category: Expertise

Dec 19, 2019

Submonthly Temperature Data and Extreme Heat Events

Homogenized Temperature Data at Submonthly Frequencies Researchers interested in how heat waves and cold waves are changing over time, or in how particular heat or…

Steven Marcus

Steven Marcus joined NCICS in 2019 as an information technology support specialist, following several years as a government contractor working for NCEI in a system…

Kate Johnson

National Climate Assessment online presence and GIS support

Dr. Katharine (Kate) Johnson joined NCICS in October 2019. She has been part of the Assessments Technical Support Unit (TSU) since August 2016, where she…

Sep 9, 2019

Carl Schreck on the ACC Today show

GOES-16 image of Hurricane Dorian, September 5, 2019. As Hurricane Dorian was headed towards the Florida coast last week, Florida State and Boise State decided…

Apr 30, 2019

Scott Stevens on The Weather Channel's AMHQ

On April 30, 2019, Scott Stevens appeared live on the AMHQ program on The Weather Channel, speaking with Jim Cantore and Stephanie Abrams about recent…

Apr 11, 2019

Precipitation and Fatal Motor Vehicle Crashes

New research reveals that the overall risk of a fatal car crash increases by about 34% during precipitation events in the contiguous United States. Compared…

Mar 27, 2019

Expertise: Climate Assessments

Content Development Science Writing and Editing Science Communication Graphic Design and Visual Communication Information Design Project Management Report Scoping and Planning Project Management Communication Tools…

Mar 19, 2019

NCA4 Data

Data from the Fourth National Climate Assessment The following figures were created by the National Climate Assessment (NCA) Technical Support Unit (TSU) for the fourth NCA…

Feb 5, 2019

Seasonal and Regional Changes in Arctic Sea Ice

Two recent papers by a team of authors, including CICS-NC’s Ge Peng, explore the changing seasonality and regional variability of Arctic sea ice cover. This…