Category: Expertise

Sep 25, 2018

Putting Hurricane Florence into Historical Perspective

Preliminary research by NCICS’ Kenneth Kunkel indicates that Hurricane Florence was among the rainiest storms to hit the United States in the last 70 years. Based…

Sep 19, 2018

Carl Schreck: ACC Today Interview

GOES-16 image of Hurricane Florence, September 13, 2018. As Hurricane Florence was headed towards the North Carolina coast last week, several universities in the Atlantic…

Andrea McCarrick

National Climate Assessment Editor

Andrea McCarrick joined NCICS in 2018, where she currently serves as Scientific Technical Editor with the Assessments Technical Support Unit (TSU). Since joining NCICS, she…

Feb 21, 2018

Arctic Sea Ice Trends and Projections

Researchers from CICS-NC and the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill used satellite data and various statistical models to analyze trends in Arctic sea ice…

Jan 23, 2018

The Climate Science Special Report and NCA4

The cover of the Climate Science Special Report PDF. On November 3, 2017, the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) released The Climate Science Special Report…

Erika Wagner

Human Resources and Administrative Activities

Ms. Wagner joined NCICS as Program Specialist in September 2017. She assists the Institute Director and the Director of Finance and Administration in an administrative…

Jun 6, 2017

Eclipse Viewability Map

On August 21, 2017, a total solar eclipse will sweep across the continental United States, starting in the Pacific Northwest at around 9am Pacific Daylight…

May 8, 2017

Meet the Staff: Andrew Ballinger

By Andrew Dundas Andrew Ballinger, a postdoctoral research scholar at NCICS, grew up on a dairy farm outside of Melbourne, Australia. He partly attributes his…

Mar 13, 2017

GHCN-D Station Data

NOAA NCEI’s Global Historical Climatology Network–Daily, or GHCN-D, dataset provides daily climate records for thousands of observing stations from around the globe, including more than…