Climate and Health

Climate and Health On April 4, 2016, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy released a report titled The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States: A Scientific Assessment. This assessment provides public health decision-makers at every level of government with more definitive and, where possible, quantitative assessments of the national burden of health impacts projected under climate change. The report concludes that climate change is a significant threat to the health of the American people, exacerbating existing health threats and creating new challenges. The U.S. Global Change Research Program developed this scientific assessment as part of the ongoing efforts of its sustained National Climate Assessment process, as called for under the President’s Climate Action Plan. This assessment significantly advances what we know about the impacts of climate change on public health and the confidence with which we know it.

Institute Activities

CICS-NC staff, along with colleagues from NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI), played pivotal roles in the development of this report.

Report Authors

vector_climate-impacts-wnv-transmission_v3_0 Four Institute staff members served as authors on the report, joining a team of more than 100 experts. Jesse Bell, a CICS-NC research scholar who also works with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on projects related to climate and health, was a lead author on the Impacts of Extreme Events on Human Health chapter of the assessment. CICS-NC colleagues Carl Schreck III and Jennifer Runkle served as contributing authors on that same chapter. Kenneth Kunkel served as a contributing author on the Introduction: Climate Change and Human Health chapter and the Modeling Future Climate Impacts on Human Health appendix.

Assessment Development and Production

Building on experience gained through supporting the development of the Third National Climate Assessment, CICS-NC staff provided a range of expertise that was essential to the development and delivery of the climate and health assessment. Working as part of NCEI’s Assessments Technical Support Unit, contributions included project management services, science editing and copyediting, and graphic design. CICS-NC staff also developed the assessment’s engaging, interactive website. Institute data experts and software engineers helped ensure openness and transparency in the report by facilitating the collection and delivery of a range of metadata. To view the full report, visit the assessment’s interactive website at For a synopsis of the key findings from the assessment, download the Executive Summary. View a video of the White House announcement of the report: