Tag: High Performance Computing

Aug 31, 2016

Portfolio: NEXRAD Radar Precipitation Reanalysis

One of the most challenging and significant projects undertaken at NCICS has been the reprocessing of NEXRAD Level II radar data to produce a suite…

Aug 24, 2016

Portfolio: NOAA Big Data Project

On October 27, 2015, Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced the public release of NOAA’s Next Generation Weather Radar (NEXRAD) dataset via their cloud-computing service. AWS…

Scott Wilkins

HPC Cluster and SAN Operations

Mr. Scott Wilkins joined NCICS in January 2012 and serves as the NCICS High Performance Computing and Storage Manager. He is responsible for installation and…

Jonathan Brannock

Jonathan Brannock joined NCICS in March 2012 and is NCICS's information technology support specialist, responsible for design and support of all information technology infrastructure associated…

May 19, 2016

Expertise: Environmental Data Analytics

Data Management Storage Area Networks Data Validation Quality Assurance Relational and Graph Databases Big Data High Performance Computing Virtualization Cloud Computing High-speed Data Transfer Environmental…

May 19, 2016

Expertise: Observing Systems

In Situ Observations Quality Assurance Algorithm Development Data Validation Global Temperature Datasets Soil Moisture and Drought U.S. Climate Reference Network Remote Sensing Calibration and Validation…

May 19, 2016

Expertise: Climate Science

Climate Science Climate Dynamics Climate Drivers Atmospheric Science Meteorology Extremes Scenarios and Projections Climate Change Model Downscaling National and Regional-Scale Projections State-by-state Projections Derived Variables…

Feb 10, 2013

Geostationary Surface Albedo

Surface albedo is the fraction of incoming solar radiation reflected by the land surface, and therefore is a sensitive indicator of environmental changes. Its value…