Tag: Liqiang Sun

Jan 9, 2017

State Climate Summaries Released

The front page of the California State Climate Summary PDF. In response to growing demands for state-level information on the assessment of climate change, NOAA’s…

Dec 9, 2016

CICS-NC at AGU Fall 2016

CICS-NC scientists contributed to more than a dozen presentations and posters for the Fall 2016 meeting of the American Geophysical Society (AGU) December 12-16, 2016, in San…

Aug 5, 2016

Portfolio: Comparing CMIP3 and CMIP5 Climate Simulations

A Technical Report released by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)  provides important insights into similarities and differences between two generations of model simulations…

Mar 14, 2016

Detection and Attribution of Climate Extremes in the Observed Record

Kenneth Kunkel and Liqiang Sun of CICS-NC are coauthors on a paper that provides an overview of the science of detecting changes in climate extremes…

Mar 14, 2016

Innovations in Science and Scenarios for Assessment

CICS-NC’s Kenneth Kunkel is the lead author on a paper in Climatic Change describing the climate and sea level rise scenarios that were developed in…

Oct 9, 2015

Comparing CMIP3 and CMIP5 Climate Simulations

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has released a new report comparing results for the United States from two generations of climate model simulations.…

Feb 2, 2013

Regional Climate Trends & Scenarios

A nine-part report, led by NCA Technical Support Unit (TSU) lead scientist Kenneth Kunkel, has been produced as input to the Third National Climate Assessment.…