Mar 22, 2016

A 30+ Year AVHRR LAI and FAPAR Climate Data Record: Algorithm Description and Validation

CICS-NC’s Jessica Matthews contributed to a paper in Remote Sensing that describes the development of an important new global vegetation data set. This new NOAA…

Mar 14, 2016

Detection and Attribution of Climate Extremes in the Observed Record

Kenneth Kunkel and Liqiang Sun of CICS-NC are coauthors on a paper that provides an overview of the science of detecting changes in climate extremes…

Mar 14, 2016

Innovations in Information Management and Access for Assessments

The Third National Climate Assessment (NCA3), released in May 2014, provided a comprehensive assessment of the impacts of climate change in the United States. The…

Mar 14, 2016

Innovations in Science and Scenarios for Assessment

CICS-NC’s Kenneth Kunkel is the lead author on a paper in Climatic Change describing the climate and sea level rise scenarios that were developed in…

Feb 3, 2016

An Evaluation of HIRS Near-Surface Air Temperature Product in the Arctic with SHEBA Data

In an effort to improve our understanding of how the Arctic climate is changing, scientists from CICS-NC and NOAA are working to develop a new…

Jan 1, 2016

Multi-Profile Analysis of Soil Moisture within the US Climate Reference Network

CICS-NC’s Jesse Bell is a coauthor on a new analysis of U.S. Climate Reference Network (USCRN) measurements of soil moisture, published in Vadose Zone Journal.…

Dec 18, 2015

Kelvin Waves and Tropical Cyclogenesis: A Global Survey

A new study by Carl Schreck III of the North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies and North Carolina State University provides important insights into the…

Dec 14, 2015

Global Land Surface Extremes of Precipitation

In an article published in the Journal of Extreme Events, CICS-NC’s Kenneth Kunkel and Rebekah Frankson analyze trends in heavy precipitation events and their relationships…

Nov 14, 2015

Comparing AMSR-E Soil Moisture Estimates to the Extended Record of the U.S. Climate Reference Network (USCRN)

Building on previous work by the same author team, a paper in Advances in Water Resources reports on the use of satellite data to validate…

Oct 9, 2015

The Mental Health Outcomes of Drought: A Systematic Review and Causal Process Diagram

Working with colleagues at Emory University, CICS-NC’s Jesse Bell contributed to a recent paper on the impacts of drought on mental health. After performing a…