Search Results for: "Workforce Development

Scott Wilkins

Mr. Scott Wilkins joined NCICS in January 2012 and serves as the NCICS High Performance Computing and Storage Manager. He is responsible for installation and…→

Dec 9, 2016

CICS-NC at AGU Fall 2016

CICS-NC scientists contributed to more than a dozen presentations and posters for the Fall 2016 meeting of the American Geophysical Society (AGU) December 12-16, 2016, in San…→

Jan 9, 2018

NC State Research - Annual Review 2017

NC State’s Office of Research, Innovation and Economic Development (ORIED) — the NC State home of NCICS and CICS-NC — is celebrating a year of…→

Feb 16, 2017

Assessing Stewardship Maturity of the Global Historical Climatology Network-Monthly (GHCN-M) Dataset

As part of ongoing efforts to advance environmental data stewardship practices, CICS-NC’s Ge Peng and colleagues from NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) recently…→

Oct 12, 2016

2016 American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting

CICS-NC at the 2016 American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting The American Meteorological Society’s 2016 annual meeting takes place January 9–14 in New Orleans, Louisiana, and…→

Nicholas Shanahan

Nicholas Shanahan joined NCICS as an outreach and engagement specialist in March 2023. Previously, Nicholas attended North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC, where he…→

Kyle Wodzicki

Kyle Wodzicki joined NCICS in March 2022 as a Climate Data Analyst and in December 2023 transitioned to a Software Engineer position. With nearly ten…→

Kate Johnson

Dr. Katharine (Kate) Johnson joined NCICS in October 2019. She has been part of the Assessments Technical Support Unit (TSU) since August 2016, where she…→

Anand Inamdar

Dr. Anand Inamdar is a Research Scholar with NCICS. Since joining NCICS in 2010, Dr. Inamdar has worked on several projects, including calibration of the…→

Jul 14, 2016

Expertise: Data Stewardship

Stewardship Ingest and Archive Access Roles and Responsibilities Best Practices Climate Data Records (CDRs) Data Quality Data Maturity Models Quality Assurance Calibration and Validation Algorithm…→