Feb 27, 2015

PERSIANN: Climate Data Record and Smartphone App

The Center for Hydrometeorology and Remote Sensing (CHRS) at the University of California, Irvine, a partner of CICS-NC, has developed a smartphone/tablet application called “RainMapper”…

Feb 11, 2015

NOAA Cooperative Agreement Renewed

NOAA Cooperative Agreement Renewed The North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies (NCICS) announces the renewal of a cooperative institute support agreement between the National Oceanic…

Feb 9, 2015

Temperature Extremes in a Warming Climate

We know that global and national average temperatures have been increasing since around the start of the 20th century. But have there also been increases…

Oct 30, 2014

Cyclone Center: New Paper, Website Updates

“We don’t understand all the mysteries of tropical cyclones” That’s the motivation behind the Cyclone Center project, which is soliciting help from “citizen scientists” around…

Oct 29, 2014

Validation of Land Surface Temperature products derived from the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer

Satellites provide critical weather and climate data, including measurements of surface temperature, but extracting temperature information from raw satellite data requires sophisticated data-processing algorithms. Jim…

Oct 29, 2014

The Impact of Raindrop Collisional Processes on the Polarimetric Radar Variables

Olivier Prat of CICS-NC and co-author Matthew Kumjian recently examined the complex, very small-scale processes of rainfall by combining model simulations of rainfall microphysics with…

Oct 29, 2014

Trends and Variability in Severe Snowstorms East of the Rocky Mountains

Severe snowstorms can have significant impacts on human safety and economic activity. As global temperatures increase, it is important to understand how severe winter storms…

Oct 29, 2014

The Impact of Best Track Discrepancies on Global Tropical Cyclone Climatologies using IBTrACS

Accurate, consistent, and homogenous data are critical for understanding the current climatology of tropical cyclones and identifying any trends in these storms in a changing…

Oct 2, 2014

New Weather Station at Isothermal Community College

A new weather station on the campus of Isothermal Community College in Spindale, NC, fills a critical gap in data coverage for southwestern North Carolina.…

May 16, 2014

Third National Climate Assessment

The White House released the third National Climate Assessment today. Mandated at least every four years by the Global Change Research Act of 1990, the…