Tag: Temperature

Dec 19, 2019

Submonthly Temperature Data and Extreme Heat Events

Homogenized Temperature Data at Submonthly Frequencies Researchers interested in how heat waves and cold waves are changing over time, or in how particular heat or…

Mar 13, 2017

GHCN-D Station Data

NOAA NCEI’s Global Historical Climatology Network–Daily, or GHCN-D, dataset provides daily climate records for thousands of observing stations from around the globe, including more than…

Feb 16, 2017

Assessing Stewardship Maturity of the Global Historical Climatology Network-Monthly (GHCN-M) Dataset

As part of ongoing efforts to advance environmental data stewardship practices, CICS-NC’s Ge Peng and colleagues from NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) recently…

Jan 13, 2017

Portfolio: State Climate Summaries

Overview In response to growing demands for state-level information on the assessment of climate change, the Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites–North Carolina and NOAA’s…

Sep 13, 2016

Improving the Global Temperature Record

Assessing the state of the climate and how it is changing over time requires accurate, reliable data with widespread geographic coverage over long periods of…

Laura Stevens

National Climate Assessment science support

Laura Stevens provides primary scientific and technical expertise for NOAA and the National Climate Assessment (NCA). This includes the development of climate data analysis products,…

Kenneth Kunkel

National Climate Assessment, Climate Extremes Research

Dr. Kenneth Kunkel joined NCICS as a Senior Scientist and Lead Scientist for Assessments, and the Department of Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at North…

May 19, 2016

Expertise: Observing Systems

In Situ Observations Quality Assurance Algorithm Development Data Validation Global Temperature Datasets Soil Moisture and Drought U.S. Climate Reference Network Remote Sensing Calibration and Validation…

Mar 25, 2016

Algorithm Development of Temperature and Humidity Profile Retrievals for Long-Term HIRS Observations

CICS-NC’s Jessica Matthews is a coauthor on a paper in Remote Sensing describing an algorithm for deriving vertical temperature and humidity profiles from the High-resolution…

Feb 3, 2016

An Evaluation of HIRS Near-Surface Air Temperature Product in the Arctic with SHEBA Data

In an effort to improve our understanding of how the Arctic climate is changing, scientists from CICS-NC and NOAA are working to develop a new…